Friday, October 19, 2007

Heading home to Kane, PA in a couple days

We’ll our change of atmosphere by coming down to North Carolina is winding down. We will be returning home to Kane, PA in a couple days, and then jump back into our mission field full-time in Kane. I have been able to do some research for my next two sermon series for Sunday (The Tabernacle of Moses) and Wednesday (Proverbs). Both of those series will start in November. We are currently finishing up Galatians on Sundays and our “Encounters with Jesus” series on Wednesdays. Saturdays we are not in a series so still seeking God for direction on what to teach on Saturdays.

Also, I have been able to update our church and Kane site (check it out It’s not complete but at least it’s up-to-date.

And most importantly I have been able to finish some reading, relax, spend time with my wife and the most time with my older brother Tom than I have in years, so that has been very meaningful.

I will continue to seek God for more direction with my life and ministry(s). I just want to be in touch with my LORD so my vision is really not “my vision” but “GOD’S VISION”.

So, praise God for this time to break away from my normal schedule and catch up on some other ministerial areas and family that have been put aside due to lack of time.

I’m looking forward to getting back to Kane (and the pastorate), but it sure was good to have this time to catch up on things. Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Enjoying time in North Carolina

It has been a good week. The LORD has been good in growing our church. This has slowly but truly been happening spiritually, financially and numerically.

Our church had a missionary couple (Rick & Donna Buddemeier - speak this Saturday and Sunday at our church, they were very good on the overall importance of world missions.

Then Monday, my wife, Joyce and I headed for Walkertown, North Carolina (my brother’s) to take two weeks to slow down our lives a little bit, and catch up on some things.

Just a short distance before reaching my brother’s home our front driver’s side tire blew (literally blew up – never had that happen). Thank the LORD, Joyce (who was driving) didn’t lose any control of the car.

Please pray that the LORD will physically strengthen both of us while down here, as we are very tired physically.

Also pray for me to accomplish much as I seek God’s direction in my life, and catch up on many ministry responsibilities with Go Proclaim Ministries ( that have had to wait until now due to my responsibilities at our church.

Be blessed,

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Parade day here in our town!

It has been a blessed last couple days, but not perfect. All of us will have trials throughout our lives. While I will sometimes share my hurts, pains, trials as I feel so led. So that you all don't think I go from blessing to blessing without any trials. But primarily I want to share the good things GOD is doing in my life.

Monday we had our best turnout at our Monday prayer meeting since taking the church here in Kane in 2005.

Today, I visited with 6 inmates at the prison that I minister at in PA.
It was hard to tell them I would not see them for 3 weeks as I will be away
in North Carolina for two weeks. Especially, since I started the prison ministry a few months ago I have not missed a week. But the were all very understanding.

Then tonight our church and clown ministry participated in the Kane Parade. We made about 65 packets of candy and tracts. My only regret was that I wasn't expecting the turnout that came out to the parade. We could have given 200-250 packets to kids. Next year we will be better prepared. But we had a chance to minister through the packets to 65 for that I rejoice, and prayerfully our presence in the parade will have ministered in a good way to some of our town people.

Then tonight, I get home and there is an e-mail of someone that wanted me to paint a room in their house (in Atlanta, GA as they did not know I moved to PA) as they said, "I have not had good experiences with any other painters, so I was sincerely hoping to find you again...You were the best!
WOW I was needing some encouragement!

Then it gets better, the sister of one of my close friends from my childhood and teen years contacted me by e-mail, and gave me the e-mail to contact my childhood friend. So that too was exciting to me!

I have learned to appreciate those close to me (even old friends). So this meant alot to me.

Do you need to be encouraged - Reach out to the LORD and He will do the most unbelievable things to encourage us.

I would like to close with this.
Twenty-six times in Psalm 136 we find these beautiful words, "For His mercy endureth forever." AMEN FOR THAT! I encourage you to read PSALM 136 today.

We'll I'll sign off for now. Until next time be blessed and be a blessing.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Excitement in our church!

It's been a while since my lost blog. Sure has been busy. It's all good - no complaints.

Prison ministry continues weekly, I see 6-8 inmates one on one every Wednesday. One who has recently got out is in our church, and has been quite an assest in helping the church in many ways. Build a wall, move furniture, invite people to church, painting, etc. Pray that this time the lures of the world will fail in drawing him. He also wants me to personally disciple him, pray for my time and wisdom to do that effectively.

We are a small church in a small town (meeting in what used to be "The Medicine Shoppe"), we have 2 services each weekend (one on Saturday PM, and one on Sunday AM). This week was the first time that we had 30 or more in both services. For our church that was exciting.

Also our weekly prayer meeting is well attended, and that excites me to have many coming to pray every week.

We are also excited about have Missionaries up this coming weekend to speak at the church.

Many exciting things are happening in our town and church. But anytime God is moving the devil often sticks up his ugly head. We have some "gossip" being passed around about me and some members in our church. Pray the LORD will stop those who are doing this.

Joyce and I will be going on a much needed break to Walkertown, NC which is not far from Winston-Salem or Greensboro for 2 weeks (October 8 - 22). While my wife, Joyce will have to work while there, and I have much work to catch up on for Go Proclaim Ministries ( it will seem like a vacation compared to our schedule now. I also hope to spend some quality time seeking the LORD.

More can always be said - But for now I will say. TO GOD BE ALL GLORY! May we never forget to give Him all praise for apart from Him we can do nothing.

Until next time, be blessed!

Jim :-)