Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life is NOT a Bed of Roses – Okay!

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Paul in the same letter wrote these words:
“In journeys often, in perils (danger) of waters, in perils (danger) of robbers, in perils (danger) of my own countrymen, in perils (danger) of the Gentiles, in perils (danger) in the city, in perils (danger) in the wilderness, in perils (danger) in the sea, in perils (danger) among false brethren; in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakednessbesides the other things [like being stoned (i.e. rocked to death) and left for dead], what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches." (2 Corinthians 11:26-28). Yet, Paul counted these as light when compared to the "substantial magnitude" of the glory awaiting him in heaven. We would count these things as heavy weight and maybe even unbearable – But Paul looking at what awaits him in heaven and then being fully in God’s presence says, “Our light affliction.”

I want us to keep that in mind as I share from my heart about what life has been like lately. When I get to sharing in my devotions and blogs, I want to share all the "good" and "exciting" things with you all. And normally that's what you'll primarily get, but with that being said, I also think that we (including me) need to be transparent enough that we don't have everyone thinking we "walk on a bed of roses." Because that is not true for me and it's not true for anyone reading this. As Job says, “Yet man is born to trouble…” (Job 5:7 also see Job 14:1) and as Solomon says apart from a walk with Christ, these words, “Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun” – Eccles. 2:11. If we don’t keep our eyes on Jesus (see Heb. 12:2), we will feel just like Solomon in this passage. Here is one reason we need to let the body of Christ (at least those we trust) know “hey, everything is not great." (See Heb. 10:25)

Personally, I struggle with major fatigue issues, insomnia, and other health-related issues, also some hurtful family matters, unemployment (no job) and not looking so bright for a 51-year-old with little "secular" talent. But God will make a way!!!

So, I guess in this update I want you to know I'm going through a really rough time in many areas - But through it all I am attempting to keep my eyes on Jesus. If I could just talk about Jesus and read about Jesus (when not too fatigued) all the time, I think that would be great. But in truth, life has its exciting times (mine are mostly Christ-related) and its down times (health issues, family issues, financial issues, etc). Note: Through it all I have a very understanding wife. Praise the Lord!

Lesson learned on trials and suffering:
Back in the late 1990's I started BibleFood Devotional ( and had an e-mail list at one time of over 6500 members (quite exciting). Then, over next decade the internet has changed and membership dropped to a smaller list (2,000) and has really gone more the way of the blog for sharing my devotions (

The point is through that devotional many, many wonderful things have happened. Among those things, I started to see almost everyone has "stuff" they are dealing with. It might be an illness, a divorce, a death, a rebellious child. The list is endless (and many have a combination of these ALL going on at the same time).

I think this has helped me to see my personal trials were not special or unique and to see that everyone has life trials. I like to tell people, "THIS AIN'T HEAVEN." I think the sooner we see that, the better off we are, as we will stop the why me and start seeing it is ALL of us living in a fallen/sin-filled world.

I even thought (sometimes still tempted to think) "why God did you make me thus?"

Yet, in all that I don't necessarily like about myself, my weaknesses, my "lot" in life, God has flowed through this broken vessel called Jim Mazzulla, yeah, he has!!! Blows me away!!!

I also love the fact that the less I accomplish (in my power), the more I can see God working in this broken vessel (Jim). (See Rom. 8:28, Phil. 1:6)

Life is not all fun, I don't handle everything like a "spiritual giant", but to KNOW that my God will NEVER leave me or FORSAKE me (see Heb. 13:5) is absolutely awesome. No matter what outside circumstances are screaming at me, God will see me through! (See Phil. 4:13)

So be encouraged that you were wrong to ever think this life would be easy or trial-free AND try to accept what you have no control over, or move out of the way in those areas God has told you to leave alone.

In the end it is all about GLORIFYING GOD!

My prayer for me and you is that our Lord would reveal to us, that no matter how dark it may seem (or be), He is with us ALWAYS! And that our lives here are to be lived not for us but for our creator, and to GIVE ALL GLORY TO HIM.

(These scriptures alone make for a good study on Glorifying God, please take the time to read them -
See Psa. 50:23; Jeremiah 9:24; Isa. 24:15; I Cor. 3:20; I Cor. 10:31; I Peter 4:16, Rev. 4:11 & 5:13)

So my friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ, don't let ANYTHING (or anyone) take you away from the truth that "if God before us, who can be against us" – Rom. 8:31

He is God and I will praise Him! (Read PSA. 150:1-6)


Other devotions/teaching on trials, test, tribulation (and other subjects) are available at: