Friday, October 16, 2009

New ministry direction, countdown to Africa, and much more...

October is here Kane, PA style! Yep, these are pictures of front of our house and backyard (taken today - October 16, 2009) we already have snow on the ground but it is snow in MID-OCTOBER!

After a little over 4 years of pastoring Community Fellowship Church in Kane, PA, we have officially resigned from the church leadership (other leadership is in place) and are moving on. It is always a bitter-sweet situation leaving a church, but the Lord will care for our former sheep (they are really His). During this time, we have taken opportunity to visit some churches, something we could never do when pastoring. I will be doing some interim preaching and guest preaching during this time.

My biggest activity right now is getting ready for Africa. I leave in 41 days - November 26 and will return to USA January 7, 2010 (41 days of ministry). I am blessed to share the Lord is faithful.

The LORD has raised up over 92% of our support (through His faithful). It would be nice to go over our goal, that way we are covered for an unforeseen expense or we will give the balance to the poor. No Africa money will go to USA ministry - 100% going to this Africa mission trip. I would love to have more than expected to leave with them.

For more on Africa trip go to my website: and to support go to:

I desperately need your prayers. I will be preaching 40 or more times. Please pray for my safety, my health, my strength, and that God will minister mightily to people as I open His Word (Bible) to them. I'll be there almost 5 weeks, to me that's a long time overseas. Preaching 40+ times is a lot of preaching. Preaching is a joy and awesome priviledge for me to do, but that much preaching can be physically draining (so pray).

Upon my return in January 2010, I will be visiting a minister friend and then prayerfully be ministering full-time with Go Proclaim Ministries, or full-time as a pastor somewhere in SouthEast USA; hopefully, closer to our children and grandchildren.

On a personal note, I do ask for prayer for our personal finances as we are going through the hardest time in the last decade. We are believing God to take care of us, but that is a totally different support base than the missions trip. Isn't it strange that we can believe for others (and missions), but when it comes to our own personal needs we feel our faith is stretched (a little scary). Same God will take care all needs, ministry and personal.

With all the changes in our life and ministry this year, please keep us in prayer (Joyce and I). I believe when we come through all these "changes," we will see God's hand in ALL of it. It's just the path to get there (whatever that is?) that can be quite draining, stressful, etc.

In closing, a theme that has been just touching my heart lately is found in a book I'm reading "Pleasures Evermore" by Sam Storms. It is making alive the truth that our ULTIMATE PLEASURE should come from our relationship with Jesus. Nothing should fulfill our lives like JESUS!

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psa. 16:11