Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pastor Conference and seeking God

Pastor's Conference - Franklin, PA (Sibley Castle)

I haven’t been able to blog, primarily do to a busy schedule. PTL!

The church is doing good, though not trial free.

We are encouraging ALL our church members to send out letters of support to build up our support for our Kane, PA mission church (i.e, Community Fellowship).
We need support (I consider our church home missions)!

God has been greatly blessing Jail ministry – actually 9-11 inmates a week. I'm not sure how long I'll be doing this, as you could easily devote full-time to just jail/prison ministry. That's not my call, but I do want to minister to them, and will continue to do so until the Lord tells me otherwise.

As to myself, I'm doing good though definitely not trial free - Is there such a thing as trial free? LOL! I'll talk more about this likely in future blogs. Among other things I have been homesick (Atlanta, GA - except I don't miss the traffic). Well I had a long time friend call me last month (last blog) for first time since moving to Pennsylvania and then (while at Pastor's Conference) I got an e-mail from another close friend who I haven't heard from in a couple years. It is awesome how this friends who "out of the blue" (man's terminology) would contact me when I needed it so much. I know it was God directing them, as it blessed and encouraged me.

Also I have been at Pastor's Conference this week from Mon – Thurs. in Franklin, PA (Sibley Castle) It is a gathering of approx. 70 ministers. It started with a 2 hour session Monday at 7 pm and ended with a 9 am session/communion service on Thursday. A total of 10 sessions.

Learned a lot of really good things at this pastors conference, and met some wonderful brothers in Christ. At the Pastor's Conference they don’t pull any punches. If I had to give a theme to the whole conference I guess it would be Preaching and living the Bible at any cost. Even, if it means no numerical growth. While, numerical growth can be a sign of a healthy church, it can equally be a sign of a compromised church (no sin, no repentance, no blood, etc.) or of a church that has become an entertainment center (rather than a Biblical church). Those things can bring numbers, but they are numbers at the cost of compromise and will also hinder spiritual growth of the people. Is that worth it, of course the answer is NO!!!

Also while at the Pastor's Conference, when not in the meetings, I did a little fellowshipping, but since I didn’t know but one person I kept mostly to myself, as I am shy when I FIRST meet people. REALLY!

I spent a lot of time seeking God’s will for my life, my family, and the church. I got some answers, not all. It was a good time of just laying before the Lord in quietness. I believe that’s what I needed – Some quiet time with the LORD

On my heart repeatedly is the person of the HOLY SPIRIT and on HOLINESS (that hasn’t changed)

I’m seeking the LORD as to where to go next in the Bible on Sunday’s as we are almost finish with “The Tabernacle of Moses”. This week we are covering "The Altar of Incense" and it's symbolism of prayer and intercession. What a great study! Jesus our High Priest has paved away through His blood, and as our Great Intercessor, so that we too can pray directly to the Father and it is a Sweet Incense to God. AMEN! AMEN!

I could say more, but trying not to go too long in these blogs :-)

Until next blog – God bless you all!