Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time away at the Cabin

On Tuesday afternoon I was dropped off at “the cabin” so I didn't have a car up in the mountains of PA. It has been good for me to get away by myself to a cabin out in the forest, not far from Kane, and get in the word and prayer. No time clock, no specific schedule except to spend as much time with the Lord in Prayer, the Word, and Praise and Worship.

I also did some good reading of “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem (Yeah this is fun reading - This guy is right on and this book covers all subjects in about 1200 pages).

I give much thanks first to the Lord and to his instrument, Bob Kauflin who gave me my new ESV Study Bible, which I am enjoying and took with me for my 3 days away. It’s a real good translation and has real good notes, etc. In addition, I have also been reading “Biblical Eldership” by Strauch, and doing the workbook (that is great too but quite a bit of reading, thinking and writing). So that is pretty much what my last 3 days have been like.

Also, while there (I had no transportation) and we had a big snow storm in Kane. Joyce had to do all the shoveling. Sorry Joyce! The snow out in the mountains is beautiful and it has been peaceful and quiet.

I have an interesting week coming up, I can’t say more at this point, but will update you more on what’s happening in “My Journey in Christ” in the next blog. But do keep us in your prayers as we continue to seek God’s face and His direction.

My desire, more than all else, is to accurately bring God’s Word to His people and to the lost (II Tim. 2:15). I feel God has been raising me up to stand for truth, and not bow to the watered down Gospel that we are hearing in many pulpits across America. The Bible warns us that in the “last days” there will be “times of difficulty” (II Tim. 3:1-5). I believe we are in the last of the last days! Also, the Bible says that people would “not endure sound teaching/doctrine”, but instead go after teachers (false) that would say what they want to hear and not what they need to hear (II Tim. 4:1-4). Note: I’ve been reading II Timothy, can you tell :-)

Catch you all in a few days, please feel free to email ( or me anytime or add a comment.

Love to hear from you all.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Church taking new direction to a Plurality of Elders

Our church leadership has been discussing change our church from a "one pastor" (me) to a scriptural plurality of elders in leading the church. So for 2 months some of the men in our church have been meeting once a week and discussing the role of Biblical eldership in the church. I emphasize Biblical eldership, as I believe the majority of churches with elders are NOT Biblical Elders.

We also have had Pastor Tim teaching for a couple months in 1 Timothy verse by verse. We are now up to "Biblical Qualifications for an Elder," and today he covered 1 Timothy 3:1, 2a. Plus we also quickly looked at Elders in Titus 1:5-9 and I Peter 5:1-3, and in Acts 20:17-38. Then for the next month or so we are going to look at I Tim. 3, Titus and I Peter and cover every qualification for an Elder. This, of course, will prepare and give our church the understanding of what the Bible says on Eldership. Personally, while this is bound to cause some adjustments and changes in our church and in my responsibilities in the church, I am actually looking forward to the change and believe it is a Biblical one.

A great book of this subject is: Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch (at for only $12.99)

I also was used of God to help a friend in town who had a heart transplant over 4 years ago. Before his heart transplant he was the best pool player in our town and the surrounding area. Well, 4 years later, while confined to a wheelchair, he is the best in town again. He sometimes stands for an occasional shot, though he doesn't have much strength, so most of the time he is in a wheelchair. Long story short, being in a wheelchair wasn't enough of a restriction to some and wanted to add some ridiculous additional rules for him ( I personally think in an attempt to take him out of dominating pool in our town EVEN FROM A WHEELCHAIR). They even took a vote on it! The pool board voted (I believe, 4-2) that he could play just as he always has in the wheelchair and on occasion standing with no additional restrictions (like the wheelchair wasn't enough). So I'm happy that's over and my friend can continue playing the way he has been. Ironically, I subsitute for teams when they are short a player, and whose team do you think I playing against that night (out of 16 teams), but my wheelchair friend's team. As usual (but not always), he beat me from his wheelchair - LOL! My ministry to pool players is:

That's enough blogging for today :-)

Friday, January 09, 2009

God is so good! He really cares about everything!

I have been a little bummed lately, but have actually had a good week in spite of it. I have learned not to let how I feel stop me from doing God's work. So I praise God for that!

One exciting thing was that though I am not known to win anything. I WON a Bible! Not just any Bible. Let me explain. I have been hoping to get the new ESV Study Bible. I thought maybe I would get it for Christmas, but I was wrong. So I figured God would get it to me at another time in the future. We'll anyway I was looking at a minister's blog about a week ago, and he was talking about how much he loved the ESV Study Bible, and was going to give away 10 of them. Just write 50 words or less why you want it. So I did. He then would go through the entries and pick 5 touching stories and 5 to be drawn randomly. So a few days ago I get an email that the drawing was done and that I won the Bible (not for my 50 words but in the random drawing). I was so excited, for one, I really had a desire to get this specific Bible, and also I never win anything. I believe there were about 300 entries. So I really felt this was a LOVE GIFT from God to me. Anyway it really touched me. It's just good to know God has not forgotten us in even the "little" things.

Also, I have had some great talks with people around the country, that have been edifying and encouraging for them and me. Well I better go and decide to shovel snow now or wait until tomorrow, and work on my sermons.
Keep us in your prayers ALWAYS! Thanks!

Here's a little bit about ESV Study Bible (which I highly recommend):

Hardbound shown above, also available in leather, etc.
If you decide to buy one, the best prices I have found have been at and

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year - What does 2009 bring in my journey, your journey?

On New Year's Eve I watched the ball drop from Times Square on TV. It's sort of a cool ball, but I didn't quite have the excitement of all those people in Times Square. Why? Because in the natural world of events I didn't see much to get excited about. Now, of course, as a Christian I have much to be excited about, but that is daily, not just once a year.

As I blog, I try to stay positive, but just so you don't think I just jump from mountaintop to mountaintop, and now that 2008 is over, I will now admit that 2008 really was a rough year. It was rough due to serious family illnesses, it was also rough financially, and it was rough in certain aspects of the ministry. It was rough in almost every area of life (except for my walk with the LORD, though always room for improvement). I gladly said GOOD BYE to 2008 (see Phil. 3:13,14)

As I look at 2009, all I can think about is get closer to Jesus and that 2009 will be NO walk in the park. I don't mean to sound like a prophet of doom, but I really expect 2009 to be quite a tumultuous year for America (and the World). I see many, many things getting worse in the natural; so I say, buckle up, it's going to be quite a ride in 2009.

Also, spiritually, I think we will see more and more persecution on Christians and violation of our rights. Americans will start (though not fully) understanding what a lot of Christians in other parts of the world already understand (i.e., there is a cost to being a follower of Christ).

Now on the positive side, I believe we as Christians can really grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ through it all (Psalm 23:4, Romans 8:28). I, for one, expect to grow closer to the Lord, but I also expect to put more time in prayer and reading/studying of the Word of God (BIBLE).

Also, on the positive side, as things get worse in the world, I believe it will be a great opportunity to point people to Jesus! "...This will be your opportunity to bear witness... Luke 21:13"

I expect this year to bring many changes in my life, and even some of the direction it will take me. I can't say more at this time, but as the Lord redirects me, you'll read of it in the blog.

I have a lot more to say but I am trying to not write long blogs, so let me close with this...

I asked myself the question if money wasn't a factor/issue (my lack of it), would I be doing things differently as far as ministry. And my answer was YES! If money wasn't a factor, I would travel a lot more, ministering in the USA, and ESPECIALLY abroad. I currently have invitations for 2009 to Africa, Pakistan, and India and I would love to make it to all of them in 2009. Also, I have invitations inside the US, too. I felt that I should not stop the yearning of my heart to travel for the LORD, and that money (or lack of it) shouldn't change my calling. I should pursue His call on me ANYWAY (and not let money or the lack of it dictate my calling)!
Much more could be said, like my burden for the youth, my ministry work in Kane, PA. etc., but that will have to wait for a future blog :-)

Join me in prayer and let us all be used of God mightily in 2009!

Watch this video: "Stay Focused on God"