Friday, December 12, 2008

Mid December - Church move, youth burden continues, and Bible reading plan

Our church has moved down the street from our old location and praying God will bless us at our new location and that he will use our location (next to roller rink) to minister to kids. Just last week we had 2 teens stop in after service on their way to the roller rink. That's a step in the right direction!

I plan on hanging out more often with the kids at the roller rink and letting them see I care about them and let them see Christ in my life. While I love 9 foot pool tables, I will hang out at these small tables at the roller rink to get to know kids in town. So keep praying for our youth, not only here but nationwide.

I am seeking God with all my heart on some areas I need His direction.

I have also started my Bible reading plan, yeah most start January 1, but I wanted to get a jump on it. I do encourage everyone to get on some regular Bible reading plan. That is our spiritual food!!! We need to regularly feed on the Bible. If you need help on a good Bible Reading plan I know of many (like I said most start January 1).

I'll try to get one or two more blogs in before the end of the year :-)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Change in our church, burden for youth (and video clip)

We'll I woke up early this morning at 3:00 am (a miracle for a night owl), so since I couldn't get back to sleep here I am writing my blog.

I have been thinking a lot about our church, as we are going through many changes. The biggest was this week we moved to a new location. It's a bigger storefront (in the sanctuary), and it will save us on rent, and is strategically located next to the Roller Skating Rink (which is owned by members of our church). I have a heart for the children and youth. I am praying God will use me to reach some, maybe many, here in Kane, PA. I have an open invitation to the roller rink and to get to know the kids and share Christ with them. Please do keep our church and the youth of Kane (and of AMERICA) in your prayers.

I have attached a "Song/Video Clip called "A REASON TO LIVE"As my heart goes out to the youth, this video brings me to tears as I think about all the messed up kids. This clip is realistic to the problems of our youth and also to the reality of what Jesus did for US (that includes OUR YOUTH).

We'll on that note, I'll close this blog, and I pray that Christians in America and around the world will live for Christ like never before. Give Him your ALL!