Thursday, November 22, 2007

Great weekend services with Pastor Babu from India

On Friday we showed "The Hiding Place" movie (about Corrie Ten Boom) - What a blessing! Many tearly eyes, and many touched hearts.

Pastor Babu

It was great to have 4 days with Pastor Babu, he gave his testimony at our church on Saturday and preached an awesome message on Sunday. Our turn out was low but those who came were richly blessed. With an annointed speaker like Pastor Babu it should have been packed. During his 4 day stay I prayed we would have some snow. I wanted Pastor Babu to experience snow. He experienced snow about 3-4 inches during his stay. But the cold was more than he wanted to experience. I'll miss him and hope to get to India in 2009. With his 30+ years of experience in the ministry (which includes starting 106 churches and orphanage, widows home, and much more. Yet he stays a humble man. So he is looked at to me as one of my spiritual leaders in my life.

We'll today is THANKSGIVING Day, so I'll close by wishing you all a JESUS BLESSED THANKSGIVING

Jim (and Joyce)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Inmate prays prayer of Salvation in Jail and more...

Been quite an exciting week. The "Women's Gather" on Saturday went well. Many were touched. One in particular was a girl in her late teens/early 20's.

Then we had some good weekend services followed by a wedding for a couple from our fellowship. Bob and Selene were married, myself officiating.

It was quite a turn out so it also gave us ideas on how to handle an increase in seating people for the future growth of our church.

Then this Wednesday while ministering at the jail/prison I had a new woman who wanted to see me. When she came in I knew her as a woman that attended our church awhile back. God had given me such a heart for her, yet we couldn't seem to reach her. I always felt she was seeking the "truth" but often in the wrong placesWhen she came into the jail greeting area she was weeping and crying out for help and and she knew she needed Jesus. I asked if she would pray to give Jesus her life (as LORD and SAVIOR), she wanted to, we prayed, God moved and now we were both weeping. .
Then we laid our hands on top of each other through the glass (since I could not touch her through the glass) and we prayed (and cried somemore) and I prayed God would fill her with the Holy Spirit and move mightly in here life. WORDS CAN NOT ADEQUATELY DESCRIBE THE AWESOMENESS OF GOD AT THIS TIME! Thank you for using me as an instrument in this womans life.

Then, I get home there was a message that a prisoner who just got out last week had called me at home. So great to hear from them AFTER they are free.

And then after church a girl that I had ministered in prison called to express her joy in being released (freed) today. Again I was touched as this girl could have just gone on with her life, but she called to share her joy with me That touched me!!!

And I excitingly wait Pastor Babu's arrival in Kane today from INDIA. He will be with us for 4 days - PTL! He will speak once at another church in Kane and then twice at our church. I am praying God use him mightily.

Well I need to run - I'm busy for Jesus and loving it!

Friday, November 09, 2007

It's November already!!! Also "THE REVIVAL HYMN"

Praise the LORD! As usual it has been busy since my last blog. So I haven’t had much opportunity to blog. Our church is doing good. But prayer is always needed and welcome.

As for Christian Pool Players Assoc. (CPPA) it is in great need of financial support. We still function, but hope to do more with CPPA as the finances allow. We still had many hits in the month of October on our website:
Avg. 332 hits per day with an avg. of 32 visitors a day
(1021 visitors for the month of October).

BibleFood Devotional has been quiet as I haven’t sent any devotions out in quite some time. But I really plan too :-) We still had many hits in the month of October on our website:
Avg. 1340 hits per day with an avg. of 120 visitors a day (3723 visitors for the month of October).

This Saturday we have our annual “Women’s Gathering” – Cassie Dunne who worked with Teen Mania/Aquire The Fire for the past year, will be our speaker. She is an excited on fire young woman, and I believe the women are in for a blessed time.

Then this Sunday after service I will be doing a wedding ceremony – PTL!

Prison Ministry of Wednesdays has been going good. I saw 9 people Wednesday - PTL!, of which 3 were new people. Some of the original ones I went to see are gone now and 2 that I visited this week will be gone by next week Wednesday. That part is a little hard. You get close and they are moving on with their lives, or going to a federal prison or a halfway house. But for as long as God leaves this door open I shall go minister at the prison/jail (the facility holds approx. 100+ inmates).

In closing today’s blog. I would like to say lately, my heart has been stirring for myself and for our church body that we all need to get closer to Jesus. I believe time is short and of the essence, and personally I pray to see a move of God in our town and prayerfully across the USA. One more time LORD, one more time!

Please view this 36 minute clip called "The Revival Hymn".

or go to: