Friday, December 12, 2008

Mid December - Church move, youth burden continues, and Bible reading plan

Our church has moved down the street from our old location and praying God will bless us at our new location and that he will use our location (next to roller rink) to minister to kids. Just last week we had 2 teens stop in after service on their way to the roller rink. That's a step in the right direction!

I plan on hanging out more often with the kids at the roller rink and letting them see I care about them and let them see Christ in my life. While I love 9 foot pool tables, I will hang out at these small tables at the roller rink to get to know kids in town. So keep praying for our youth, not only here but nationwide.

I am seeking God with all my heart on some areas I need His direction.

I have also started my Bible reading plan, yeah most start January 1, but I wanted to get a jump on it. I do encourage everyone to get on some regular Bible reading plan. That is our spiritual food!!! We need to regularly feed on the Bible. If you need help on a good Bible Reading plan I know of many (like I said most start January 1).

I'll try to get one or two more blogs in before the end of the year :-)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Change in our church, burden for youth (and video clip)

We'll I woke up early this morning at 3:00 am (a miracle for a night owl), so since I couldn't get back to sleep here I am writing my blog.

I have been thinking a lot about our church, as we are going through many changes. The biggest was this week we moved to a new location. It's a bigger storefront (in the sanctuary), and it will save us on rent, and is strategically located next to the Roller Skating Rink (which is owned by members of our church). I have a heart for the children and youth. I am praying God will use me to reach some, maybe many, here in Kane, PA. I have an open invitation to the roller rink and to get to know the kids and share Christ with them. Please do keep our church and the youth of Kane (and of AMERICA) in your prayers.

I have attached a "Song/Video Clip called "A REASON TO LIVE"As my heart goes out to the youth, this video brings me to tears as I think about all the messed up kids. This clip is realistic to the problems of our youth and also to the reality of what Jesus did for US (that includes OUR YOUTH).

We'll on that note, I'll close this blog, and I pray that Christians in America and around the world will live for Christ like never before. Give Him your ALL!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dennis Zech (Christian Illusionist) and our first BIG winter snow storm

His website is:

Then just this weekend with had our first BIG snow - When it was all done likely about 1 1/2 to 2 feet of snow. Quite a bit over 36 hours!!!

We are also preparing our move down the street to our new storefront. Move in date is officially December 6. I have done a lot of work on it along with some others. Working on the building has definitely cut into my time in pastor duties, hopefully after this work, I will back into a regular schedule as pastor.

I have about 10 sermons to still put online soon. I also just finished our series on Church Foundations and Ephesians recently. Pastor Tim just finished a mini-series on Worship - Real good!

We'll that's all for now. As always, there are the trials in life and ministry (welcome to earth). So without getting into details, your prayers are appreciated. JESUS IS LORD!

Until next time keep walking with Jesus.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November - Election, more about our church, our dog singing

We'll the elections are over and I can't say I miss all the political commercials. This election went as I thought it would, and now I believe America shall bear the consequences for voting as they did. I don't know how any Christian with an ounce of understanding could have voted for Obama. Personally, I feel this is the beginning of God's severe judgment on our nation. I don't fear as I know my redemption draws nigh. The signs of Christ soon return are all around us.

In other news Marty (and Rebecca - his grown daughter) and Eric and Alfredo (see pic above) came down from NH to help us get our new church location worked on. In their short visit much was accomplished. Marty also ministered at the church a needed message on the "levels of authority". It was a needed sermon, I hope those who needed it the most heard it with hearing ears and open hearts.

I also just finished our series on "Foundations of the Church" and Pastor Tim is teaching on "Biblical Worship".
We are planning to start an official membership within weeks. A needed thing in our church (and Biblically based).

As for the new building the countdown is on, as we are moving in there the first week of December. To me this could and should be "new beginnings" for our church as many changes are happening and will be happening with the move.

On a side note with the clothes Marty and others gave us we are giving clothes away and tomorrow it will be open to the public to come for free clothes (at our new location).

Also, our last Guest Speaker - Dennis Zech ( for the year will be at the church this Saturday. We are praying God will use him to speak to many young and old.

Here is short clip of our dog Rusty singing, we get a laugh out of it, hope you all will too.

We'll that's all for the moment.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Niagara Falls, Our Church, and winters here!

Since I haven't posted since the beginning of September. I'll start with September.

Picture of Niagara Falls taken from top of hotel.

In September Joyce and I went up to Niagara Falls (Canadian side) for our anniversary. It was a quick little break for us, but we had fun and the Falls were awesome. I'll not forget it. It's something I never did but have wanted to for a long time. Lord willing I hope to some day see the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Park.

Now up to October, it has been a good month overall.
Our leadership is looking into starting a church membership by sometime in December. Which in my opinion is MUCH needed! Also we are moving our church down the street (just one block) to the building next to the Roller Rink. We are excited about the move, it is a good move financially, spacewise, and for ministry, right next to the Roller Rink (which is owned by a couple from our church). It's been alot of work fixing up the building to be our church, but it is coming along quite well. This weekend were going to be blessed to have Evangelist Marty minister in our church and also he's bringing a few guys with him to help us paint, and work on the building Friday and Saturday. That should help us get the building further along in a big way. Our projected move in dates is the first week of December - PTL!

As I said in my last post that though it was 80 degrees out (at the time), that winter comes quick around here. We'll today we had our first snow with about 3 inches. And it's only currently 30 degrees outside - burr. It's still OCTOBER!

Lot's going on in November - I'll get to that in the next post.

Jim :-)

Friday, September 05, 2008

September - Update and Praise Report

Wow - September is here!!!

Joyce (my wife) birthday was yesterday. She's a blessing to me and many others :-)

Weather is still beautiful here in Kane, PA. In the 80's today.
But I won't be able to say that much longer as winter comes early here.

August was quite a MONTH.

Many exciting things happened in August, and a big praise is that the Nixon family is here with our church and Tim is our new Assistant/Youth Pastor, and also a very gifted musician. The entire Nixon family is a delight to us!

Missions News:
I have in the past week or so had contacts by phone, email, and postal mail with missionaries in Kenya, India, and Pakistan. All of which are wanting me to come over and minister in their country. I too, want to go on short term missions to all three of these places over the next two years, so should you feel led I need to start raising money to do so.

For more information or to give a financial gift by mail or online go to: or to give directly online go to:

My heart is pulled overseas, but I do have a tremendous heart for Kane, PA too (this is home missions to me). We (our church) are determined in the LORD to make a difference here. It is a small town with a lot of BIG problems.

Pray for me as to needed support for foreign missions and also for our church to make a difference in Kane.

September will be another exciting month in Jesus and I ask that you all pray that God use me to the fullest, and that His hand of protection be over me as we do much spiritual battle here.

Until next time - Be blessed and be a blessing (Eph. 1:3)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August - Exciting month in our church

August has been a wonderful busy month in our church.

Pastor Jim and Evangelist Marty.

Earlier this month Evangelist/Missionary Marty Nogues came down from New Hampshire and visited our church and presented us with this large map of the world and bags and bags of clothes for our church and people in need. With missions meaning so much to me and our church the banner is already on display in the church, and clothes are being sorted out for distribution.

Marty also preached to powerful messages. He's a real evangelist and besides preaching these messages we also took it to the streets while he was here - PTL! You can listen to them at:

Then go to August 2nd "The Armor of God"and August 3rd "Judgment on the Church" for his messages.
We had some great conversations minister to minister.
Then that Sunday we had another minister couple drop by the church from Ohio. They are looking to pastor, and we were able to connect them to a nearby church in our area that has not had a pastor for over 1 1/2 years.

Then the following weekend the Pastor Tim Nixon and family (no picture yet) from New York came up check out our town and church. We really connected and he will be moving here in a week to be "Community Fellowship Church" (my church) as our Youth and Assistant pastor. We are excited about them coming and their stepping out in faith to come work with us in Kane, PA.

In between all this I married a couple from our church - Tyler and Christy. I pray the LORD blesses their marriage!
Then Pastor Tim and family came this past weekend, and I immediately put him to work, as I had a wedding earlier Saturday (August 9) in the day, so I thought it would be a good time to have him minister. Well long story short an oddity of both of our worship team members being away, we also asked Tim to lead worship! He did quite well with only 25 minutes notice.
Pastor Tim taught on "I want to be like Jesus".

That message can also be heard at:
NOTE: All our current sermons are now on:

Pastor Tim and family will also be back this coming weekend and hopefully settling in with his family. He will be ministering again at our church on Sunday, August 17.
He will be a much needed help on our Pastoral Staff, and help carry some of the load currently on me, and also add fresh vision to our church, and in reaching the youth.

We have also had some other things happen in just half a month, but time is slipping away so I'll end today's blog here.
Keep us in prayer in this "American" missionfield of Kane, PA.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sermons are now online - Jesus is LORD!

Since getting back from visit to Connecticut a couple weeks ago. It's been exciting to get in the pulpit and preach God's Holy Word (Bible).

On July 12 and 13 my brother Tom from Connecticut preached at our church and visited for a few days, it was great to see him. It was great to have you Tom!

We now have ALL our recent audio sermons online (including Tom's). So we hope you'll take advantage of that and check out the sermons. For audio sermons go to: and type in BibleFood under Ministry name, or Mazzulla under Speaker or go to this link:
We have approx. 25 sermons online and already have had 300 people listen or download them - PTL!

Also, after a year without my pool table (it shows in my game - lol), my friend Nick drove up (long trip) and set up my 9' pro size table in my garage. Thanks Nick sure appreciate it! I really ultimately want a table in the basement but my entrance to the basement is too small and my frame is one solid piece. It will be great in the garage for now (lots of room), but long term I hope to get one I can break down and put in the basement.

Please also keep in your prayers (a network of approx. 200 Christian pool players across the country). We are need some wisdom in making it an even more powerful witness to reach the many lost and spiritually dying people in the "pool/billiard" world. Also, we need financial supporters, as we have none :-/

As I close, I'll say Kane, PA (where I live) is bitter cold in the long winter months (October - April). But right now it is GREAT. The weather is close to perfect (70's to low 80's) in the daytime, and most nights down to the 50's. Gardens grow good and QUICK here too. Our garden seemed to get to a slow start but we have picked our first fruits this week, and in a week we should start having an abundance coming out of our small garden, all the way through to the fall.

Much happening in August, I'll update you on that in my next blog.

Until then be blessed and be a blessing!

Friday, July 11, 2008

June and My 30 year High School Reunion

I'm a little behind on blogging. I noticed I didn't get any blogs out in June.

Today, I'm just going to share about whats been going on, and mainly on my 30th High School Reunion. On June 28th at 6;30 am we started our trip from Kane, PA to Stratford, CT. to make my Reunion being held that afternoon.

It was quite a strange experience as I hadn't seen most of these classmates for 30 years. Some (most) of them had to tell me who they were as I did not recognize them.

Joyce (my wife) and I

I asked Kathy (friend and fellow christian from those years) to point out who was who. So while pointing isn't "polite" I had asked her to do so.

I was able to catch up with many of them on the past 30 years. It was especially blessed to see some close friends from my childhood. One of those friends is Kathy. I went to Bible studies with her at her parents house back in the 1970's. It seemed like almost yesterday when we were in those exciting teen Bible Studies together. Back then we would gather 10-15 teens together for a Bible Study, and we all came because we wanted to. NOT because our parents forced us, a matter of fact many of us were saved BEFORE our parents!

Our youth today need so badly to hunger for God and to have a personal relationship with Christ. When that happens the parents won't have to beg, drag, or force them to church or Bible study. As their relationship with God will drive them. Yeah I care about and have a burden for todays youth.

Anyway back to my reunion. Also, one of the guys I grew up with had accepted Christ a few years back, and it was so cool and exciting to now fellowship with him as a Brother in Christ!

Plus it was great to see Debbie, and John and many others.

We then went to one of their houses and hung out into the night. By then many were quite drunk (wasted). That part was a sad part of the reunion, to see many (most) totally lost as to a relationship with Christ, and having so little meaning in life. Really quite sad!

Then, while in Connecticut we went Sunday and saw my sister and her family and my dad. All saved - Hallelujah! It was good to see them, and get to spend sometime with them.

We left from my sisters and came straight home...finally around 2:30 am Monday morning we arrived back in Kane, PA.

What a busy but good weekend. More good and not so good happened in the month of June, but next blog we'll move onto July.

Until then be blessed, actually you are NOW already blessed (Eph. 1:3)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pastor's Conference in Maryland and Pastor Stats

Sandy Cove Ministries in North East, Maryland

The "Pastor's Conference" May 19-21 was a good time with approx. 700-800 attending.

It was a lot of words of encouragement and of exhortation to keep keep the main thing the main thing - That is putting God's Word first in our lives and in our preaching. I really enjoyed that the ministers were quite transparent, and shared their personal trials and tribulations. Making all present that we are all people, and all go through stuff. The first night there was also a exhortation to keep ourselves pure (in thought and deed). This group of ministers that shared for three days I believe all are living lives pleasing to the LORD. That's almost hard to say in this day of moral decline outside and IN the pulpit.

So bottom line, it was refreshing and I got to know that I am not so unique in my trials and tribulations as a pastor - actually quite normal - LOL!

Praise God for His sustaining power.

Meanwhile below are some startling stats, that should cause you to be praying for your pastor and his wife. You are welcome to also keep us in your prayers :-)

Pastor Stats:

These statistics came from across denomination lines, and have been gleaned from various reliable sources.

Pastors today are faced with more work, more problems, and more stress than any other time in the history of the church. This is taking a frightening toll on the ministry, shown by the (North American) statistics below:

· Fifteen hundred pastors leave the ministry each month due to moral failure, spiritual burnout or contention in their churches.
· Eighty percent of pastors and eighty-four percent of their spouses feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastors.
· Fifty percent of pastors are so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if they could, but have no other way of making a living.
· Eighty-five percent of pastors said their greatest problem is they are sick and tired of dealing with problem people, such as disgruntled elders, deacons, worship leaders, worship teams, board members, and associate pastors. Ninety percent said the hardest thing about ministry is dealing with uncooperative people.

Pastors' Wives:
· Eighty percent of pastors' spouses feel their spouse is overworked.
· Eighty percent of pastor' wives feel left out and unappreciated by the church members.
· Eighty percent of pastors' spouses wish their spouse would choose another profession.
· Eighty percent of pastors' wives feel pressured to do things and be something in the church that they are really not.

Pastors' Relationship With the Lord:
· Seventy percent of pastors do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor.
· Ninety-five percent of pastors do not regularly pray with their spouses.
· Eighty percent of pastors surveyed spend less than fifteen minutes a day in prayer.
· Seventy percent said the only time they spend studying the Word is when they are preparing their sermons.

I don't have to become a negative statistic.

There is victory for you and me at the foot of the cross.

Keep us (Joyce and I) in your prayer that we don't become any of these negative stats. But in ALL things we will always put Jesus first and live in such away that will be pleasing to HIM.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few...

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37, 38

I believe we are in the last of the last days and there is a harvest of souls out there.

As I seek God's continued direction as to my part as one of His workers in this end time harvest let me give you an update from the ministries God is using me in.
Here we are in mid-May and weather is still cooler than my liking. But getting close to wonderful. In a month the weather here will be the envy of many of my friends and family who are in warmer climates.

Let's give you a full but brief run down on whats going on in the different ministries.

First, Community Fellowship Church ( seems to be going through a time of testing. I need to make some major decisions as to what direction we should take with the church. Next week I go to a Pastors Conference for 3 days with about 700 other pastors, so that will be good as I seek God's direction for our church. Also, we are excited to have our sermons now on CD, and hope to soon have them in MP3 format on our website so you can listen for free.

Now we'll move on to different aspects of Go Proclaim Ministries (
BibleFood Devotional (
- We have added a new writer Dede from Oregon. She has such a pleasant and refreshing way of sharing God's Word.

To receive BibleFood devotions and her devotions through BibleFood you must subscribe to our FREE e-mail list (4500 members) at:

We have had some exciting new members of join of late who really want to see CPPA become all that I believe God intended it to be. So I'm hoping to see CPPA go to the next level this year. We have members in over 30 states and worldwide.

To join CPPA subscribe to it at:
and e-mail me or post here of your interest in being involved in this nationwide ministry so I can contact you and get you involved with us. We need volunteer directors all over the country.

BTW - I had to break down my 9' pool table when we moved a year ago and found out it won't fit in my basement, so it's been in pieces for a year now. I want to get back into the game and moving forward with CPPA. So I got permission from my wife to set it up in our garage for the time being (yeah you don't take a garage from your wife for a pool table without first getting PERMISSION). I'm planning on selling it, and finding a table I can fit into my basement (and give the garage back to my wife). Thanks Joyce for parking outside (and giving me the garage) so I can work on my pool game and ministry.

Finally, I have been invited to preach the gospel in India (again), Africa (Nigeria) and Pakistan (seeking God on that).

I am seeking God about going to Nigeria (maybe Kenya), Africa this fall.

I have wanted to go to Africa to proclaim the Gospel for as long as I can remember.

Now days a lot of people go to Africa, I have desired to do so for such a long time, that when I first wanted to go, back then (many, many years ago) it was not a "popular" missionfield like it is today. So pray with me for the finances to make this trip to AFRICA this fall.

There are other ministries I'm involved in, but these are the nationwide/worldwide ministries in my life that need your prayers for them to be all that God intended for them to be! It's plenty enough for me!

Also, keep me in your prayers now and always! THANKS!

Jim :-)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Back into full swing - What's happening!

We’ll I’m pretty much back in to full swing in Kane, PA. Now that the weather is finally warming up (50’s) it seems I’m more alive and seems to also be the case around town as many people are coming outside after a long winter hibernation.

I am excited to be able to get out, with this nicer weather, and spend sometime being around the people God has called me to here in Kane. “Lord us me in town and mingling (thus ministering) with those you have cross my path”.

I believe God is moving in our church, and directing me to be a “stronger” leader (shepherd), and not to just ignore some issues or problems that have arisen, but my obedience to obey and please God and not man, sure doesn’t sit well with all. The funny thing is my vision hasn’t changed since coming here almost 3 years ago. I just believe our church has come to a place where God is calling us to get more serious about being the church God has called us to be. I believe the outcome of being God’s church will be not only a stronger church, but also a church where lives will be changed, God will be glorified (which is THEE most important thing) and the joy of the LORD will be present in the lives of those who push in.

I also can’t think of a better teaching to help our church at this time than the new series we just started on Sunday in Ephesians. If you want to read or tell someone about “the riches in Christ” and about Unity in the Body of Christ then this is a great place to go (Ephesians). Also, on Saturday’s I just started teaching on “Our Authority in Christ” and about our three enemies of “The World (worldliness), The flesh, and the devil. And that it is possible (and God’s will) that we be victorious in ALL three areas. PTL!

Note: We are also starting to record sermons to MP3 and CD and we hope to start putting them on my websites soon. I have about a dozen messages to put up (not counting all the cassettes we might someday convert to MP3 from older messages).

In the jail ministry things have been interesting. Since starting jail ministry in August 2007, I have seen some that I ministered to have moved on to state prisons, I have also seen some released. Of those released some seemingly are doing good with their new walks with the Lord, others seemingly go back to their old way of life, and yet others are in an apparent “neutral holding pattern”. But that doesn’t work. In Christ you even are growing or going backward in your walk with Him. No neutral in Christ. So, I hope those that are not pushing in will get back to the LORD with their commitment to Christ as otherwise they will end up in the same old ways they have been in before, and that surely would be a shame.

Well there’s always more that can be said, but have to stop somewhere :-)

So my friends, family and whoever is reading this please keep me and the Lord's plans for me in your prayers.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Trip to Georgia, and where's my life going

We just got back a little over a week ago from visiting our family in Kennesaw/Woodstock, GA. I saw my daughter, my son, my stepdaughter and her husband AND also 4 grandchildren. This is one of the things (being away from family) that has been the hardest since moving to Kane, PA. We only see our family once a year.

I also got to see a couple of my best friends. We also visited the church we attended in Woodstock, GA before moving to Kane, PA. So that gave us a chance to see some of our church friends and Pastor Bob.

We've been here (Kane, PA) for over 2 1/2 years and I really feel like we still got some "spiritual" ground to break here. I have my highs and lows. More lows than highs lately.

I just need to keep my focus and priorities on the LORD, and believe He is in control. THe truth is whether I believe it our not God is in control. So I may as well trust/beleive Him!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pastor Conference and seeking God

Pastor's Conference - Franklin, PA (Sibley Castle)

I haven’t been able to blog, primarily do to a busy schedule. PTL!

The church is doing good, though not trial free.

We are encouraging ALL our church members to send out letters of support to build up our support for our Kane, PA mission church (i.e, Community Fellowship).
We need support (I consider our church home missions)!

God has been greatly blessing Jail ministry – actually 9-11 inmates a week. I'm not sure how long I'll be doing this, as you could easily devote full-time to just jail/prison ministry. That's not my call, but I do want to minister to them, and will continue to do so until the Lord tells me otherwise.

As to myself, I'm doing good though definitely not trial free - Is there such a thing as trial free? LOL! I'll talk more about this likely in future blogs. Among other things I have been homesick (Atlanta, GA - except I don't miss the traffic). Well I had a long time friend call me last month (last blog) for first time since moving to Pennsylvania and then (while at Pastor's Conference) I got an e-mail from another close friend who I haven't heard from in a couple years. It is awesome how this friends who "out of the blue" (man's terminology) would contact me when I needed it so much. I know it was God directing them, as it blessed and encouraged me.

Also I have been at Pastor's Conference this week from Mon – Thurs. in Franklin, PA (Sibley Castle) It is a gathering of approx. 70 ministers. It started with a 2 hour session Monday at 7 pm and ended with a 9 am session/communion service on Thursday. A total of 10 sessions.

Learned a lot of really good things at this pastors conference, and met some wonderful brothers in Christ. At the Pastor's Conference they don’t pull any punches. If I had to give a theme to the whole conference I guess it would be Preaching and living the Bible at any cost. Even, if it means no numerical growth. While, numerical growth can be a sign of a healthy church, it can equally be a sign of a compromised church (no sin, no repentance, no blood, etc.) or of a church that has become an entertainment center (rather than a Biblical church). Those things can bring numbers, but they are numbers at the cost of compromise and will also hinder spiritual growth of the people. Is that worth it, of course the answer is NO!!!

Also while at the Pastor's Conference, when not in the meetings, I did a little fellowshipping, but since I didn’t know but one person I kept mostly to myself, as I am shy when I FIRST meet people. REALLY!

I spent a lot of time seeking God’s will for my life, my family, and the church. I got some answers, not all. It was a good time of just laying before the Lord in quietness. I believe that’s what I needed – Some quiet time with the LORD

On my heart repeatedly is the person of the HOLY SPIRIT and on HOLINESS (that hasn’t changed)

I’m seeking the LORD as to where to go next in the Bible on Sunday’s as we are almost finish with “The Tabernacle of Moses”. This week we are covering "The Altar of Incense" and it's symbolism of prayer and intercession. What a great study! Jesus our High Priest has paved away through His blood, and as our Great Intercessor, so that we too can pray directly to the Father and it is a Sweet Incense to God. AMEN! AMEN!

I could say more, but trying not to go too long in these blogs :-)

Until next blog – God bless you all!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thinking about Holiness and Holy Spirit

It’s been an interesting time since my last blog.

I have a friend visiting from Las Vegas, NV who has really had a rough year spiritually. He has really needed a change and some counsel, so he came to Kane to see me. I believe it has been a good time for him and quite an experience for him in a world so different from Las Vegas. My prayer is that ALL that God wants to do in him will happen.

Also, a week ago Sunday (9 days ago), a long time friend from Georgia called, it was such an encouragement to hear from her after 2 ½ years (since moving to Kane). Sometimes we might underestimate how much even a simple phone call can do for someone. Thank you Jesus for this call!

Last week jail ministry went very well. You know I NEVER felt a call to “prison/jail ministry” But as Henry Blackaby so wisely put it. “When God reveals to you where He is working, that becomes His invitation to JOIN HIM" That is what happened with me with the “Jail Ministry”, I was asked to go, and honestly I didn’t really want to go. Here some 5-6 six months later I’m still doing it. I also said, “LORD I’ll continue to go as long as You want me too; as long as one person wants to see me”. We’ll being that it is a county jail (approx. 100+ inmates), people either get released or moved to federal prison. Over six months there is always been someone requesting to see me. This past week 3 inmates I had never seen before requested to see me plus 4 of my regular inmates that I normally visit. An exciting week in the jail!

Church, as normal, has had its ups and downs. It seems like whenever God does something exciting in our church then BANG the devil attacks. Sure would like your prayers on my behalf regarding this!

As I close today’s blog, I really sense lately that the LORD has put in my heart to meditate, study, and teach (as He leads) on two subjects The Holiness of God and on the “The importance of the Holy Spirit”. Both subjects cross over in that they deal with the word HOLY.
Ever think about it, the HOLY Spirit is more than a title (much more).
It is what God is…a HOLY Spirit!

Until next time – Be blessed!
