Monday, June 20, 2011

Loving Charlotte, loving Jesus more :-) Spring 2011

Summer weather is upon us and has been for a month. Most days it gets into the 90’s. We haven’t crossed the 100 degree mark, but expect we will as summer officially begins tomorrow (June 21).

In early May, Joyce went to Houston, Texas, to see and care for Lucas (now 6 months old). She had a great time!

In mid-May, I went to Las Vegas for 8 days of ministry at a pool/billiards event (1,000’s). I worked in the only OPENLY Christian booth at this event, giving out free prizes, free Christian literature, running a Bible Study AND praying with people. As expected, God did many wonderful things!

Then in late May, Joyce was off to Atlanta for a baby shower. We will soon be grandparents again. We wait with excitement for our next grandchild to be born in July. Isabella, we can’t wait to have you with us and to love on you and teach you the ways of Christ J

We received the good news in May that my daughter Christine (age 26), who has lupus, has finally been approved for disability after more than 2-1/2 years. That means she is also eligible for Medicaid and can finally receive the medical treatment she has needed so badly. Please continue to pray for her health.

On June 18, we celebrated one year living in Charlotte, NC (moved from Kane, PA). It has made it a lot easier to visit family in Atlanta (kids and grandchildren) and to have them visit us. Meanwhile, in our everyday life we love it here in Charlotte. We have so much to do here! I take our dog Rusty on bike rides with me, and we also have some great paved walking trails around Charlotte, too. I find there is much to do here in Charlotte, and more importantly MUCH to do for the Lord in Charlotte. We also feel it is a great location for our ministry to branch out from, and we are only 25 minutes from the airport, making travel convenient. There is lots of good to say about Charlotte, and we’re happy to be here.

Tomorrow (June 21) is also a special day as I celebrate 36 years as a born again Christian (John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23). I was saved and became a new creation (II Cor. 5:17) on June 21, 1975, while attending a Catholic prayer meeting at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Danbury, CT. What an exciting day to walk in spiritually dead to God, full of hate, bitterness, etc., and to walk out of that meeting spiritually alive to God and having the peace and joy of the Lord! I’ve never been the same and will never have to live in darkness again. Over these 36 years, I can say I love my Jesus more and more with each passing day. I will say Christianity is not boring, and ALWAYS more to learn and grow in as to my relationship to the Lord.

We still attend a “house church” (actually a couple). We have been doing so for 5 months now. It has been a great spiritual experience, and we have developed some really good relationships in a relatively short time. It is different than an “organized” church where a minister usually speaks and the people mostly just listen. In these small groups, many have the opportunity to share and we learn a lot of the Bible from each other. It is quite awesome, and praise God no flakiness.

At the same time, we have found an “organized church” we also attend –
“Life Fellowship” ( I love the rich Bible teaching there and friendly atmosphere. Also, they have a great weekly broadcast on YouTube called “One Minute Apologist” by Pastor Bobby Conway (and guest speakers). They sure do put a lot into these short clips! I encourage all to listen to them at:

That's pretty much our Spring 2011. May the LORD give us more good reports in the coming months.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6