Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sermons are now online - Jesus is LORD!

Since getting back from visit to Connecticut a couple weeks ago. It's been exciting to get in the pulpit and preach God's Holy Word (Bible).

On July 12 and 13 my brother Tom from Connecticut preached at our church and visited for a few days, it was great to see him. It was great to have you Tom!

We now have ALL our recent audio sermons online (including Tom's). So we hope you'll take advantage of that and check out the sermons. For audio sermons go to: http://sermon.net and type in BibleFood under Ministry name, or Mazzulla under Speaker or go to this link: http://sermon.net/sermons-Community_Fellowship_Church_&_BibleFood-13400.html
We have approx. 25 sermons online and already have had 300 people listen or download them - PTL!

Also, after a year without my pool table (it shows in my game - lol), my friend Nick drove up (long trip) and set up my 9' pro size table in my garage. Thanks Nick sure appreciate it! I really ultimately want a table in the basement but my entrance to the basement is too small and my frame is one solid piece. It will be great in the garage for now (lots of room), but long term I hope to get one I can break down and put in the basement.

Please also keep www.christianpoolplayers.com in your prayers (a network of approx. 200 Christian pool players across the country). We are need some wisdom in making it an even more powerful witness to reach the many lost and spiritually dying people in the "pool/billiard" world. Also, we need financial supporters, as we have none :-/

As I close, I'll say Kane, PA (where I live) is bitter cold in the long winter months (October - April). But right now it is GREAT. The weather is close to perfect (70's to low 80's) in the daytime, and most nights down to the 50's. Gardens grow good and QUICK here too. Our garden seemed to get to a slow start but we have picked our first fruits this week, and in a week we should start having an abundance coming out of our small garden, all the way through to the fall.

Much happening in August, I'll update you on that in my next blog.

Until then be blessed and be a blessing!

Friday, July 11, 2008

June and My 30 year High School Reunion

I'm a little behind on blogging. I noticed I didn't get any blogs out in June.

Today, I'm just going to share about whats been going on, and mainly on my 30th High School Reunion. On June 28th at 6;30 am we started our trip from Kane, PA to Stratford, CT. to make my Reunion being held that afternoon.

It was quite a strange experience as I hadn't seen most of these classmates for 30 years. Some (most) of them had to tell me who they were as I did not recognize them.

Joyce (my wife) and I

I asked Kathy (friend and fellow christian from those years) to point out who was who. So while pointing isn't "polite" I had asked her to do so.

I was able to catch up with many of them on the past 30 years. It was especially blessed to see some close friends from my childhood. One of those friends is Kathy. I went to Bible studies with her at her parents house back in the 1970's. It seemed like almost yesterday when we were in those exciting teen Bible Studies together. Back then we would gather 10-15 teens together for a Bible Study, and we all came because we wanted to. NOT because our parents forced us, a matter of fact many of us were saved BEFORE our parents!

Our youth today need so badly to hunger for God and to have a personal relationship with Christ. When that happens the parents won't have to beg, drag, or force them to church or Bible study. As their relationship with God will drive them. Yeah I care about and have a burden for todays youth.

Anyway back to my reunion. Also, one of the guys I grew up with had accepted Christ a few years back, and it was so cool and exciting to now fellowship with him as a Brother in Christ!

Plus it was great to see Debbie, and John and many others.

We then went to one of their houses and hung out into the night. By then many were quite drunk (wasted). That part was a sad part of the reunion, to see many (most) totally lost as to a relationship with Christ, and having so little meaning in life. Really quite sad!

Then, while in Connecticut we went Sunday and saw my sister and her family and my dad. All saved - Hallelujah! It was good to see them, and get to spend sometime with them.

We left from my sisters and came straight home...finally around 2:30 am Monday morning we arrived back in Kane, PA.

What a busy but good weekend. More good and not so good happened in the month of June, but next blog we'll move onto July.

Until then be blessed, actually you are NOW already blessed (Eph. 1:3)