Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Accepting God plan for our lives...

In 9 days I will be on my way to Lagos, Nigeria, Africa. We'll get to that in a little bit.

Spiritually I feel the most energized I have been in years. I am humbly thanking the Lord for spiritually energizing me (now if my body could just catch up). I am also asking that you all agree that the devil not get in there with attacking me or my family, which has been a pattern in the past, i.e., I start growing spiritually and some tragedy happens (not this time in Jesus Name).

I have been reading Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" daily devotional. I'm going to share part of one with you from just a week ago on November 11 PM.

Main verse: "He shall choose our inheritance for me..." Psa. 47:4
"Believer, if your inheritance be a lowly one you should be satisfied with your earthly portion; for you may rest assured it is fittest for you...Remember this, had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there...and if you had the choosing of your lot, you would soon cry, "LORD CHOOSE MY INHERITANCE FOR ME".

Now my thoughts on that. While I believe it is true, part of me doesn't like it. If I had my choosing I would change a lot of things in my life from birth to present, I would hardly call this life an "INHERITANCE"! But I know that is just my "self" talking, because I truly believe God is sovereign and His plan for my life is BEST and out of His divine love.

I am eternally grateful that HE saved my very, very lost soul on June 21, 1975. Not only was His love shown in that, but His love is shown throughout my life.

Now, let me pose the same question to you, are you content with your lot (inheritance) in life. If you're not saved you will never be satisfied, so I would suggest to you that you throw yourself at the mercy of God to save you!

If you are a Christian and still not content, I hope this little nugget from Spurgeon will get you thinking, and that you will have a change in attitude to accept "Our Heavenly Father knows BEST."

For this entire Spurgeon devotion go to: www.ewordtoday.com/spurgeon/1111pm.htm
Also for ALL 365 days AM & PM devotions free online go to: www.ewordtoday.com/spurgeon/
http://www.christianbooks.com/ - Right now is only $7.99 Hardcover - No: WW75532

Saturday was an exciting day as I had many opportunities to minister online and by e-mail. Also, I had a phone call come in by God's hand from two brothers in Christ, one from Buffalo, NY, and one visitng from Lagos, Nigeria, who attends one of the RCCG Churches I will be ministering at - that is so exciting!

Then, Sunday we went to a church we had visited 2 times before, which we are going to make our home church until we move down South in 2010. After church the pastor came up to me and said, he had heard I was a minister and that I was going to Africa soon, and wanted to know if the church could pray for me next Sunday for my missions trip." Now that is all nice and cool, but what made it even more special was during service, I threw up a prayer request (in private) to the Lord saying, "Lord, I sure would like it if the church prayed over me for my trip to Nigeria." That was a quick answer to prayer :-)

Now back to my mission trip to Nigeria. While there is some wealth in Nigeria, there is a lot of poverty (70% live below poverty line). There are many health issues include diseases such as malaria and AIDS (170,000 deaths per year - 3rd highest in the world), and the average life expectancy is only 47 years old, compared to USA which is 78 years old. That is quite a difference!

Picture above: People walking pet Hyena's and Baboon in background!

God is moving in Southern Nigeria! There are many Christians and the numbers are growing, especially in the city of Lagos where I will be going. While there I will be ministering approximately 40 times over 41 days. I ask you all to please pray for me that God will use me for HIS GLORY, and also, that when I come back to the USA that I will have a freshness in the LORD to minister here (USA) for HIS GLORY.

I will be in NIGERIA for 5 weeks of ministry. One venue I will be attending (and likely be one of the speakers) is the RCCG Holy Ghost Conference \-"Our God Reigns." This will be the largest Christian gathering I will have ever attended or preached at. It is possible they could have 1,000,000 in attendance.

Keeping me and my family in your prayers during that time will be especially appreciated. For you night owls, you can see me preaching online in Nigeria at their 7:00 AM service every Sunday which is 2:00 AM EST, (obviously earlier in other time zones); for live feed: http://media.rccgnet.org/live/livingstone.html

Have a Jesus blessed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. This will be my last blog until I get back to USA in January 2010. I look forward to sharing with you many good reports from my missions trip.

God bless you all!

Monday, November 09, 2009

November - What's new and my trip to preach in Nigeria!

It would be an understatement to say I am excited about my trip coming up in 2 1/2 weeks. After 30 years of desiring to preach in Africa the door is finally open. I also was shocked to find out recently that I will be ministering at some very large churches, some services will also be live on the internet, and I will be preaching approximately 40 times over a 5-week in Nigeria. This is definetely, "exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think" (Eph 3:20).

Also, just this week we received financial support to make our goal for our needed budget for the estimated expenses of the Mission trip.
I am hoping that if we have extra money that we can give it to the poor or an orphange in Nigeria. See: http://www.goproclaim.com/

It's interesting that the LORD has provided every cent for my trip (ministry), and yet personally this is our biggest test in a decade trying to survive and pay all our personal bills. So pray for us in that area.
Note: Ministry money and personal money are two totally separate things!!!

As to other happenings

As I mentioned in the last blog, we left our pastorate and church in September and have been looking for a church we can call "home" until we move down south.

For the 2 previous Sundays, a small local church had me fill their pulpit. AMEN!

Then yesterday, we returned for a second time to the church I personally believe will be our church home until we move down South. I was blessed with the worship, seeing the Word go forth, and that the pastor asked us to gather around people with illnesses and pray for them to be HEALED. Interestingly, I felt earlier in the service that God had wanted me to pray for the sick. So when he said that, I ran to this one man and laid hands on him and prayed for his healing with others. Afterword, he said he felt the warmth go from my hands into him. It was no surprise to me that our awesome God touched him.

This stepping out and praying for the sick has been somewhat limited in my ministry in the past few years (though it has happened some). It was such a blessed experience, and excited me as I prepare to go to Africa and see many saved, healed, and delivered by the wonderful power and mercy of God. I was so excited at the service yesterday (Sunday service), I could barely talk to anyone without getting excited and practically preaching to people in the church about our awesome God.

After going through a rough time recently with changes and all, it was good to sense God's anointing on my life. I have believed since early this year that 2009-2010 would bring a huge change to the ministry God has called me to (in a good and productive way). We have already seen God preparing the way in various aspects of Go Proclaim Ministries (www.goproclaim.com).
Please lift me in prayer to be strong IN THE LORD no matter what the enemy "tries" to throw at me; that I will go over healthy and stay healthy my entire time in Nigeria.; that God will have a yielded vessel (me) that He will be able to work through to touch the lives of many in Nigeria; AND THAT I WILL ALWAYS GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY!

I personally can't imagine a better way to end 2009 (on the mission field) and start the New Year (as I'll still be on the mission field). Please, prayer warriors - Pray! Pray! Pray!

Thank you so very much!

I hope to get one more blog out before leaving for Nigeria (departure date Nov. 26).

Then it will be likely a couple months while I'm away ministering, but once I get a chance I'll be blogging here again.

Thanks for being with me as I share "My Journey in Christ."

Jim (jim@goproclaim.com)

Friday, October 16, 2009

New ministry direction, countdown to Africa, and much more...

October is here Kane, PA style! Yep, these are pictures of front of our house and backyard (taken today - October 16, 2009) we already have snow on the ground but it is snow in MID-OCTOBER!

After a little over 4 years of pastoring Community Fellowship Church in Kane, PA, we have officially resigned from the church leadership (other leadership is in place) and are moving on. It is always a bitter-sweet situation leaving a church, but the Lord will care for our former sheep (they are really His). During this time, we have taken opportunity to visit some churches, something we could never do when pastoring. I will be doing some interim preaching and guest preaching during this time.

My biggest activity right now is getting ready for Africa. I leave in 41 days - November 26 and will return to USA January 7, 2010 (41 days of ministry). I am blessed to share the Lord is faithful.

The LORD has raised up over 92% of our support (through His faithful). It would be nice to go over our goal, that way we are covered for an unforeseen expense or we will give the balance to the poor. No Africa money will go to USA ministry - 100% going to this Africa mission trip. I would love to have more than expected to leave with them.

For more on Africa trip go to my website: http://www.goproclaim.com/africa.htm and to support go to: http://www.goproclaim.com/easygive.htm

I desperately need your prayers. I will be preaching 40 or more times. Please pray for my safety, my health, my strength, and that God will minister mightily to people as I open His Word (Bible) to them. I'll be there almost 5 weeks, to me that's a long time overseas. Preaching 40+ times is a lot of preaching. Preaching is a joy and awesome priviledge for me to do, but that much preaching can be physically draining (so pray).

Upon my return in January 2010, I will be visiting a minister friend and then prayerfully be ministering full-time with Go Proclaim Ministries, or full-time as a pastor somewhere in SouthEast USA; hopefully, closer to our children and grandchildren.

On a personal note, I do ask for prayer for our personal finances as we are going through the hardest time in the last decade. We are believing God to take care of us, but that is a totally different support base than the missions trip. Isn't it strange that we can believe for others (and missions), but when it comes to our own personal needs we feel our faith is stretched (a little scary). Same God will take care all needs, ministry and personal.

With all the changes in our life and ministry this year, please keep us in prayer (Joyce and I). I believe when we come through all these "changes," we will see God's hand in ALL of it. It's just the path to get there (whatever that is?) that can be quite draining, stressful, etc.

In closing, a theme that has been just touching my heart lately is found in a book I'm reading "Pleasures Evermore" by Sam Storms. It is making alive the truth that our ULTIMATE PLEASURE should come from our relationship with Jesus. Nothing should fulfill our lives like JESUS!

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psa. 16:11

Monday, September 07, 2009

It's September - Ministry and Africa update (and more)

If I had one word that I knew (back in January) that would describe 2009 in my life, it would be "change." Change in church role, change in financial situation, change possibly in where to live, trip to Africa, etc. Change! Change! Change!

Among the changes I am in need of is a "secular" job to help us (my family) survive. That has been a hard thing since I have been out of the "secular" work force for years, and computer field technology has come a long way in the last 6-7 years. Right now, my attention is on just getting temporary work to help with our expenses until Thanksgiving.

Then I will be off to Nigeria, Africa, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ for almost 5 weeks in various locations. I am so excited about that, as it is the fulfillment of a dream God put in my heart over 30 years ago.

Do pray that the financial support for the trip will come in soon. So far, at the time of this blog, about $500 (20%) of the needed $2500 has come in. I am quite grateful, but time is running out to get my Visa. One of the requirements for a Visa is proof of a round trip ticket from USA to Nigeria to USA. I need to order the ticket and get my Visa very soon. So far, RT airfare is looking at about $1400-1500 (including taxes and luggage). Again, I believe the LORD will provide! But it won't fall out of the sky, and we don't have a money tree (see below) growing in our backyard, so it will come through people whom the Lord touches their hearts to get behind our trip. So we do need prayer and financial support :-)

For more on Africa trip go to my website: http://www.goproclaim.com/africa.htm and to support go to: http://www.goproclaim.com/easygive.htm

With all the changes in my life and ministry this year, please keep me in prayer (and Joyce too). I believe when we come through all these "changes," we will see God's hand in ALL of it. I look forward to our future due to these changes, it's just the path to get there (whatever that is?) that can be quite draining, stressful, etc.

I am also amazed that summer is pretty much gone. In Kane, PA, we really never had a summer (pretty common here). We have already experienced lows in the upper 30's (that's too cold too soon). The fall here will be beautiful in the mountains, and we shouldn't have snow until mid or late October. Time flies! I can't wait to go to hot Africa (won't miss the cold a bit). It will be an interesting winter with the Holidays as I will miss "Thanksgiving", "Christmas", and "New Years" with family, and will experience the holidays Nigerian style - That too should be interesting.

This ends this blog and another part of "My journey in Christ."


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ministry changes at our Church and in my future ministry!

I have been the Senior Pastor at Community Fellowship Church (CFC) in Kane, PA, for the past 4 years with NO regrets, but my position as Senior Pastor has come to an end. Our church leadership, including myself during the last year had made the decision for an elder-led church. With me having no church income, there is a need to obtain secular work. On top of that, we are hoping for a good paying secular job or a full-time ministry position will open in a warmer climate and, hopefully, closer to our children and grand-children. With these possible changes in my life, it was suggested I withdraw from consideration as an elder, so I did. We (Joyce and I) feel our calling may be in another direction of ministry than Kane. That being said, I am still a member of CFC and will still be teaching in the church, as my church recognizes that I have a call to ministry and to teach.

Meanwhile, Christian Pool Players Association is growing and maturing at a great rate in 2009. I believe God's hand is on CPPA and I am able to give more time to it than I have in the past 4 years as Senior Pastor. See: http://www.christianpoolplayers.com/

Also, over 30 years ago God put in my heart "Africa" and a desire to minister there. In God's plan and timing, it is about to come to pass. I have been invited to be guest speaker in various churches in Nigeria, Africa (Nov. 27 to Jan. 3, 2010). Now, during an economic crisis in America, I just need to raise $2500 to make this trip. No big deal to God!
I can definitly say this is a year of "change" in my life. As I head rapidly toward 50 yrs. old, I feel the Lord has plans for me beyond how he has used me up tuntil now. So, in my heart (not my emotions) I excitingly look forward.

Until next time - Be blessed and be a blessing!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Now that I'm home again!

We've been back in Kane, PA, for about 6 weeks now. We are getting settled back into life out in the country, settling back in our local church, corresponding with many from CPPA (which is growing), and painting the outside of our house (new color, too).

In July I went with Mac McQuillen (and his grown son, Eddie) to his first Wheelchair Pool Tournament in Ohio (near Cleveland) run by National Wheelchair Pool Association (NWPA). He's been in a wheelchair for over 5 years. Friends in the pool industry and CPPA helped Mac to make it to his first wheelchair tournament. People involved in the tournament were great in their attitudes toward life even though in wheelchairs. They also played together in a very respectable way with one another.

Also, don't be fooled by their wheelchairs, there are some really good wheelchair players out there. Mac didn't win the main event, but did take first place in the "Sceonf Flight Tournament."

Finally, I preached my first sermon Sunday since March! It went well and I am looking forward to teaching a series of 10 messages on "Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health" in upcoming Saturday evening services.

This year the word that has stuck out to me is "CHANGE." This is truly a year of many changes, starting with my sabbatical, growth in www.christian poolplayers.com (CPPA), changes in our home church, and before year's end I'll be making a life-long dream of a mission trip to Africa. More on that in my next blog.
Keep me in your prayers with this year having so many changes. Like so many of you have been effected by our struggling economy, we have also, and I am in need of a secular job.
In the midst of it all - My LORD is always there and faithful to take care of ALL who are His children (Matt. 6:25-34).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sabbatical comes to end - Ministry continues...

Here I am at the end of my Pastoral Sabbatical. We arrived home in Kane, PA, over the weekend and I will be at my first service back at Community Fellowship Church on Saturday night. Then Sunday morning service I will preach, well, actually share what the Lord has done over last the 3 months in a very condensed version.

Now let's catch everyone up on the last 3 weeks. We stayed in Pawnee City, Nebraska, until June 17 (Note: the pic is of me climbing and picking cherries in Joyce's mom's backyard)

Next we headed for Lincoln, IL, to stay with Joyce's cousin and family. It was a short visit, only 1 1/2 days, but quite an enjoyable time. Joyce's cousin (one of many) lives on a farm and her husband is a farmer. I loved the quietness, farmland, and family life displayed with their 3 daughters. We went with them to Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site, which is a reconstruction of the village where Abraham Lincoln spent his early adulthood (http://www.lincolnsnewsalem.com/). It showed some rough beginnings in the making of young Abraham Lincoln. It was quite interesting but the hottest (and most humid) day of our entire sabbatical (didn't expect it to be in IL.).

Then onward on our journey to pick up our dog Rusty in Williamsburg, Virginia (900+ miles away). We made the mistake of going through (not around) Cincinnati, OH (worse part of our entire drive anywhere). The next day, after picking up our dog, we still had 420 miles to Kane (8 more hours). Thanks to Brady and Claire for taking care of Rusty for us! This was our busiest travel week and long, long, long! Finally, we made it to Kane, PA, (home) after a 3-month sabbatical and over 6,000 miles of travel in our car going through 16 states. The Lord took care of us all the way.

I consider it a once-in-a-lifetime trip, as I doubt I'll ever have a 3-month sabbatical (time of seeking God and being spiritually refreshed) or a trip to visit over 100 family members and friends from all around the country.

Since getting home, we have started to plant a late garden (still working on it) and getting ready in the next week or so to paint the outside of our house.

So that brings you up-to-date on what has been happening.

While the LORD has done a lot in us, for us, through us in the last 3 months, all the pieces of this segment of "my journey in Christ" have not been revealed to me. Yes, some, but not all! I continue to day-by-day seek His will for my life, thanking Him for what He has spoken to me and excitingly waiting for what He has yet to speak to me on this journey in Christ.

Things to remember during this ever changing year:

Matthew 6:31-34 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

James 5:15 - Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."

BTW - Christianity is not boring, it's exciting!!!

If your Christianity is boring something is wrong.

Next blog I'll try to hit mostly on the spiritual happenings of my sabbatical.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Going into week 9 of my pastoral sabbatical - What is happening!

Wow, missed blogging in May!!! Sorry about that! A lot happened in May.

Time is really slipping away on my 3 mo. Sabbatical, down to approximately 3 weeks.

Since my last blog we have made a trip to see Pastor friend and his wife who pastor a non-denominational church 20 minutes outside of Savannah, GA. Great friends with a small congregation in a very nice church facility. I see nothing but potential for growth there.

Then when I got back to Atlanta I went hiking with my son, got off the short trail and onto a long one, spent hours walking through woods but it was fun and memorable.

Then on to Las Vegas (May 7-16). I worked the booth with Gospel Trick Shot Ministries (GTS), and Christian Pool Players Association (I'm the CPPA founder) CPPA is doing all the follow-up on 100+ people that asked to be contacted and/or want to know more about God! AWESOME! We also had up to 21 people show up every morning for GTS Bible Study during the event. YES, in Las Vegas, at a very large Pool/billiards event in a Casino. YES, people can be hungry for God even in that environment! I hate the expression "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". Well let me shoot that to pieces, with the fact that Casino's are starting to slow down, buildings are unfinished, people are hungry and searching, Bible believing churches are growing in Las Vegas, and as Romans 5:20 states: "...where sin increased, grace abounded all the more..." That's the scripture that comes to mind (though maybe not in perfect context). What a time of minstry!!!

Then 2 weeks ago tomorrow we headed for Nebraska, stopped at Joyce's cousin in Arkansas. Then next day on to Nebraska. Biggest highlight here was celebrating Joyce's mom's, Mary celebrating her 80th birthday with 58 others (mostly relatives).

On the spiritual side of things, it is quiet here, and not much to distract me, so I spend a good amount of time studying, reading, praying and resting. With only a few weeks until sabbatical is over, I treasure every minute and am trying to be fruitful with them.

It took awhile, but I'm missing my church, preaching and being "home." I still don't have all the answers since going on my sabbatical, but things are much clearer, and I feel I'm ready for Kane and whatever the future brings.

Some questions during Sabbatical were:
1. Am I even called to pastor? I believe it is a YES.
2. Am I called to stay in Kane long-term? That is yet to be determined, I don't think that answer will come until after a get back to Kane.
3. Does God still have a plan with me with CPPA (http://www.christianpoolplayers.com/)? I say absolutely YES. God has moved in CPPA in the last 6 months in bring leadership together nationwide and see no break in quality people coming into CPPA.
4. Do I have more clarity of vision/direction with priorities, family, ministry, church, finances, future? I have more confidence in these areas, which means some changes when sabbatical is over, but I won't be swayed in any of these areas from God's purpose for my life.

That is a little of what's going on! :-)

Let's close todays blog with the following clip.

Mike Massey doing something much more important than shooting pool - He's sharing Christ!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Going into fourth week of sabbatical - What have I learned so far

I won't share all God is speaking to me, but here are some of the latest things He is showing me (letting me see).

1. I have really come to see (and feel) how much I miss family and friends.
2. It is hard to spend time with the Lord when visiting grown children and grandchildren.
3. There are a lot of Pastors of very small churches (30 or less). Pastor's response to small
church is mostly discouraged, but some are very content.
4. Sunday we visited a Sovereign Grace Church (http://www.sgcatlanta.org/) in Woodstock, GA. Great family church with lots of young couples. Impressed with all aspects.
5. Time is slipping away on my 3 mo. Sabbatical - So I'm taking every moment quite serious.

Amongst other things that have happened, our friends in VA who are keeping our dog (Rusty - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOq59YpzRps), have not been able to get him to be friendly with the other dogs. This is a bummer. He's an "alpha dog."

Family and friends are the biggest deal (of course), but other notables are eatting at Provino's (great Italian), have a strawberry cream slush at Sonic, a Firehouse sub (so good).

In a little over 2 weeks off to Las Vegas to work in Gospel Trick Shot (www.gospeltrickshot.org/) and represent CPPA (www.christianpoolplayers.com/). While there I hope to see God use me in ministering to the lost and discouraged at this event.
Still need $350 for plane fare, if you would like to donate please send donations to: "GTS Mailing Address: .P. 0. BOX 313 HAWTHORNE, NJ 07507 (mark for Jim Mazzulla). I also can be reached at: 814-558-7600

Here is our CPPA logo updated - Thanks Matt - It looks great!

Well, I have grandchildren climbing all over me :-) So that's all for today.

Clip of my grown kids and grandkids on Resurrection Day!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3 weeks into my sabbatical

We left on March 28 from Kane, PA, at 6:00 A.M. First, we dropped Rusty (our dog) in Williamsburg, VA, then arrived in Bedford, VA, at Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary’s and that was day one of our sabbatical. Then on March 30th we left there and we drove to Warsaw, NC, to Joyce’s cousin Becky (and her husband Neil). They are missionaries and temporarily living at JAARS (part of Wycliffe Bible Translators).
Quite a cool place for missionaries to serve while off the foreign mission field. For some, this is their place to help missionaries by the many ways they support missionaries from here in JAARS. While there we went on the campus tour of JAARS and also went to the “Museum of the Alphabet” - pretty cool!!! Then on April 3rd on to Angier, NC, to meet Pastor Rick who is my mentor for a class I am taking over the internet. I’m excited about the class, “Maintaining Your Spiritual Health,” a course that I feel goes great with my sabbatical. Then on to Jacksonville, FL, to visit with our minister friend, Bob (and wife Mary), founder of http://www.biblefood.com/ (notice I said .COM), as I am http://www.biblefood.org/ (which I founded).

On April 6 we left Jacksonville and arrived in Savannah, GA. We spent a portion of the day running around Savannah catching up with friends, then off to Atlanta that night to be with our kids and grandkids – Yeah!

Our first week in Atlanta, GA we spent with family, and spent time with 4 of our adult children and with 5 grandchildren. Now into our second week we are spending it with one of our best friends. No kids, so it's quiet, Joyce is back to working her medical transcriptionist job online (she can do it anywhere in the country, which is great). I'm finally buckling down and spending time studying, reading and praying for my sabbatical to help me spiritually rejuvenate and seeking God for direction in ministry.

This weekend we will visit a small Sovereign Grace Church - looking forward to that!

Other news, I finished reading “The Sovereignty of God and Evangelism” by J.I. Packer I give it 5 of 5 stars. It is a small little book but a great book to help you understand “man’s responsibility” and “God’s Sovereignty” dealing with the subject of evangelism.

That's about all for now. Please do pray for our finances, I ordered my plane ticket for my ministry trip to Las Vegas (primarily for evangelistic work), now we are praying someone(s) will step forward and help us with that expense.

Please also pray for fruitful sabbatical of time with the Lord and others, safe travel, and refreshed return to our church in 3 months.

Our mailing address is: Jim and Joyce Mazzulla ~ Box 676 ~ Kane, PA ~ 16735 (will be forwarded). You can contact me on my cell anytime during the 3 months at (814) 558-7600
Thanks again for your prayers and any other way you can help us during our sabbatical.

I also invite you all to join my facebook:www.facebook.com/people/Jim-Mazzulla/1054373339

I thank the Lord for family and friends in all of you. :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where we will be during our 3 month sabbatical.

For starter my trip to Valley Forge, PA didn't happen :-/

I was bummed but I know that God is in control and had a good weekend at home.

We are now officially on our "pastoral sabbatical" though still home for a few more days, then off for a long drive that will take us to visit family in Virginia and in North Carolina, and to friends in Savannah, GA, and to Jacksonville, Florida, then on to our main destination in Atlanta, GA where we have many friends, family and grandchildren. We'll be there about 6 weeks, and then off to Nebraska for 2-3 weeks, and then back home to Kane, PA (that will be mid to late June). We'll actually go through approximately 14 states.

Some praises:
The Lord has faithfully provided care for our dog (free) for 3 months.
The Lord has faithfully provided place to stay for the 3 months.

Still need prayer:
1. Finances: Joyce will have a laptop, and working on computer, but we are still going to need other income. Please pray about that - Thanks!
2. Prayer: For fruitful sabbatical of time with the Lord and others, safe travel, and refreshed return to our church in 3 months.
3. Safe travel and no breakdowns, our car is 10 years old.

Our mailing address is: Jim and Joyce Mazzulla ~ Box 676 ~ Kane, PA ~ 16735
You can contact me on my cell anytime during the 3 months at (814) 558-7600

Thanks again for your prayers and any other way you can help us during our sabbatical.

I'll keep you updated over the next 3 months as to how everything is going.

We also invite you all to join my facebook:www.facebook.com/people/Jim-Mazzulla/1054373339

Saturday, March 07, 2009

"CHANGE is the word for me in 2009" AND Sabbatical update

The next two weeks should fly by, as I have so much to do before we go away for my "sabbatical." A little overwhelming but I am so excited about the sabbatical, seeing family and friends, ministry, and seeking God's will for us and our future.

Recently, a couple weeks ago, a brother in Christ in the pool ministry and I talked for about 4 hours. It was such a great time of sharing our hearts, prayer, and fellowship. To God be all the Glory! Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! PSA. 133:1

Also, my friend Tommy and I are getting ready to make a trip to Valley Forge, PA, to meet with some Christian friends at a major pool event in about 1 1/2 weeks (quick 2-3 day trip). I'm also looking forward to fellowship with Tommy as I have only seen him once since moving to PA almost 4 years ago.

Also, in 6 days we place our new leadership in place. This is a new and big step for us at Community Fellowship Church (http://www.kanepa.org/), and we pray it bears much fruit for the kingdom of God.

On my Sabbatical, I prayerfully, have plans to see as many Christian Pool Players Assoc. (CPPA - I founded in 2002) members as possible in our travels and talk to many by phone. This is the year of CHANGE for me, our church, CPPA, and with my Sabbatical, etc.

While change can be scary (atleast to some of us). I believe ALL these changes are in the will of God. AMEN to that!


While on the sabbatical, we will be quite busy at times; this will be a sabbatical or rest from all our responsibilities of pastoring our church in Kane, PA.

We have someone on the East coast who volunteered to take our dog Rusty for the entire sabbatical. What a relief that is and what an answer to prayer.

The rest of the time will be spent seeking God for ministry direction, spending time with the Lord, and lots of Bible and Christian reading (Christian pastoral/ministry/theology, an online Bible course - that is fun for me). I will still be working on BibleFood devotions, and blogging some :-)

As shared in my last blog, our main needs for sabbatical:

1. Housing: Places for us to stay (we cannot afford hotels). If you would like us to visit with you for any time period let us know.

2. Finances: Joyce will have a laptop, and working on computer, but we are still going to need other income. Please pray about that - Thanks!

3. Prayer: For fruitful sabbatical of time with the Lord and others, safe travel, and refreshed return to our church in 3 months.

We hope to meet with some of you on the East Coast as we travel by car from Pennsylvania to Georgia (and likely Florida), and then at the end of May to Nebraska (Joyce's family) and cut across country in June back to Kane, PA.

Our mailing address is: Jim and Joyce Mazzulla ~ Box 676 ~ Kane, PA ~ 16735

Thanks again for your prayers and any other way you can help us during our sabbatical.

We also invite you all to join my facebook:www.facebook.com/people/Jim-Mazzulla/1054373339

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My upcoming Sabbatical (March-April-May) and East Coast travel

But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray - Luke 5:16

For the months of April, May and June we (Joyce and I) will be taking a "Pastor Sabbatical". Sabbatical comes from the word "Sabbath" which obviously means REST! So that is one of the things we want to do...REST, REFRESH, AND RENEW. Although we will be quite busy at times, this will be a sabbatical or rest from all our responsibilities of pastoring our church in Kane, PA. We desire to get away from Kane, as the town is so small that staying here would be counterproductive; therefore, our goal is to get out of the area, preferably down south. If any of you could assist in the area of housing for ANY part of those 3 months, it would be much appreciated.

We are also looking for someone on the East coast who loves dogs to care for Rusty, our 70-pound, 5-year-old dog (golden retriever/chow) If you are a dog lover, and could take him for these 3 months that would help us and be greatly appreciated. He is a people dog, loves attention and is well behaved.

The other need is that Joyce needs to take her job (which she does by computer) with her. I hate that for her, as she could use a break from work, too. We really need a financial miracle to help her to not have to work the whole time while we are on Sabbatical. If God puts that on your heart to help us with a financial donation so Joyce can rest and spend time with the LORD and me, that would be greatly appreciated. Joyce has gone the extra mile working full-time, making it possible for me to Pastor full-time in our small financially challenged church (they really can't afford to pay a FT pastor).

This is specifically a "Pastor Sabbatical," a rest from Pastoral responsibilities; BUT, I will be ministering some at evangelistic events in March and mid May. We will also be spending some of this time with our children and grandchildren, other family and also with some friends we have not seen for years. The rest of the time will be spent seeking God for ministry direction, spending time with the Lord, and lots of Bible and Christian reading (Christian pastoral/ministry/theology, an online Bible course - that is fun for me). I will still be working on BibleFood devotions, and blogging some :-)

Again, our needs for sabbatical:
1. Housing: Places for us to stay (we cannot afford hotels). If you would like us to visit for any time period let us know. Joyce will have a laptop, but needs internet connection for work.

2. Dog Sitter: Dog sitter for 3 months (anywhere on East Coast) we will drop him off. Great dog, loves attention!

3. Financial donation so Joyce can share in Sabbatical time: Joyce will have to work, but with any support those are days off Joyce could spend sharing in more of this sabbatical time. She deserves/needs this break. Some of you know her, and know what a precious person she is to me and others.

4. Prayer: For fruitful sabbatical of time with the Lord and others, safe travel, and refreshed return to our church in 3 months.

Any way you can help is greatly appreciated :-)

Any questions please feel free to call us at: 814-837-8072

We hope to meet with some of you on the East Coast as we travel by car from Pennsylvania to Georgia (and likely Florida).

We also invite you all to join my facebook:
In His Service,
Jim and Joyce Mazzulla

Our mailing address is:
Jim and Joyce Mazzulla
Box 676
Kane, PA 16735

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time away at the Cabin

On Tuesday afternoon I was dropped off at “the cabin” so I didn't have a car up in the mountains of PA. It has been good for me to get away by myself to a cabin out in the forest, not far from Kane, and get in the word and prayer. No time clock, no specific schedule except to spend as much time with the Lord in Prayer, the Word, and Praise and Worship.

I also did some good reading of “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem (Yeah this is fun reading - This guy is right on and this book covers all subjects in about 1200 pages).

I give much thanks first to the Lord and to his instrument, Bob Kauflin who gave me my new ESV Study Bible, which I am enjoying and took with me for my 3 days away. It’s a real good translation and has real good notes, etc. In addition, I have also been reading “Biblical Eldership” by Strauch, and doing the workbook (that is great too but quite a bit of reading, thinking and writing). So that is pretty much what my last 3 days have been like.

Also, while there (I had no transportation) and we had a big snow storm in Kane. Joyce had to do all the shoveling. Sorry Joyce! The snow out in the mountains is beautiful and it has been peaceful and quiet.

I have an interesting week coming up, I can’t say more at this point, but will update you more on what’s happening in “My Journey in Christ” in the next blog. But do keep us in your prayers as we continue to seek God’s face and His direction.

My desire, more than all else, is to accurately bring God’s Word to His people and to the lost (II Tim. 2:15). I feel God has been raising me up to stand for truth, and not bow to the watered down Gospel that we are hearing in many pulpits across America. The Bible warns us that in the “last days” there will be “times of difficulty” (II Tim. 3:1-5). I believe we are in the last of the last days! Also, the Bible says that people would “not endure sound teaching/doctrine”, but instead go after teachers (false) that would say what they want to hear and not what they need to hear (II Tim. 4:1-4). Note: I’ve been reading II Timothy, can you tell :-)

Catch you all in a few days, please feel free to email (jim@goproclaim.com or biblefood@gmail.com) me anytime or add a comment.

Love to hear from you all.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Church taking new direction to a Plurality of Elders

Our church leadership has been discussing change our church from a "one pastor" (me) to a scriptural plurality of elders in leading the church. So for 2 months some of the men in our church have been meeting once a week and discussing the role of Biblical eldership in the church. I emphasize Biblical eldership, as I believe the majority of churches with elders are NOT Biblical Elders.

We also have had Pastor Tim teaching for a couple months in 1 Timothy verse by verse. We are now up to "Biblical Qualifications for an Elder," and today he covered 1 Timothy 3:1, 2a. Plus we also quickly looked at Elders in Titus 1:5-9 and I Peter 5:1-3, and in Acts 20:17-38. Then for the next month or so we are going to look at I Tim. 3, Titus and I Peter and cover every qualification for an Elder. This, of course, will prepare and give our church the understanding of what the Bible says on Eldership. Personally, while this is bound to cause some adjustments and changes in our church and in my responsibilities in the church, I am actually looking forward to the change and believe it is a Biblical one.

A great book of this subject is: Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch (at http://www.amazon.com/ for only $12.99)

I also was used of God to help a friend in town who had a heart transplant over 4 years ago. Before his heart transplant he was the best pool player in our town and the surrounding area. Well, 4 years later, while confined to a wheelchair, he is the best in town again. He sometimes stands for an occasional shot, though he doesn't have much strength, so most of the time he is in a wheelchair. Long story short, being in a wheelchair wasn't enough of a restriction to some and wanted to add some ridiculous additional rules for him ( I personally think in an attempt to take him out of dominating pool in our town EVEN FROM A WHEELCHAIR). They even took a vote on it! The pool board voted (I believe, 4-2) that he could play just as he always has in the wheelchair and on occasion standing with no additional restrictions (like the wheelchair wasn't enough). So I'm happy that's over and my friend can continue playing the way he has been. Ironically, I subsitute for teams when they are short a player, and whose team do you think I playing against that night (out of 16 teams), but my wheelchair friend's team. As usual (but not always), he beat me from his wheelchair - LOL! My ministry to pool players is: http://www.christianpoolplayers.com/

That's enough blogging for today :-)

Friday, January 09, 2009

God is so good! He really cares about everything!

I have been a little bummed lately, but have actually had a good week in spite of it. I have learned not to let how I feel stop me from doing God's work. So I praise God for that!

One exciting thing was that though I am not known to win anything. I WON a Bible! Not just any Bible. Let me explain. I have been hoping to get the new ESV Study Bible. I thought maybe I would get it for Christmas, but I was wrong. So I figured God would get it to me at another time in the future. We'll anyway I was looking at a minister's blog about a week ago, and he was talking about how much he loved the ESV Study Bible, and was going to give away 10 of them. Just write 50 words or less why you want it. So I did. He then would go through the entries and pick 5 touching stories and 5 to be drawn randomly. So a few days ago I get an email that the drawing was done and that I won the Bible (not for my 50 words but in the random drawing). I was so excited, for one, I really had a desire to get this specific Bible, and also I never win anything. I believe there were about 300 entries. So I really felt this was a LOVE GIFT from God to me. Anyway it really touched me. It's just good to know God has not forgotten us in even the "little" things.

Also, I have had some great talks with people around the country, that have been edifying and encouraging for them and me. Well I better go and decide to shovel snow now or wait until tomorrow, and work on my sermons.
Keep us in your prayers ALWAYS! Thanks!

Here's a little bit about ESV Study Bible (which I highly recommend):

Hardbound shown above, also available in leather, etc.
If you decide to buy one, the best prices I have found have been at www.amazon.com and www.christianbook.com

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year - What does 2009 bring in my journey, your journey?

On New Year's Eve I watched the ball drop from Times Square on TV. It's sort of a cool ball, but I didn't quite have the excitement of all those people in Times Square. Why? Because in the natural world of events I didn't see much to get excited about. Now, of course, as a Christian I have much to be excited about, but that is daily, not just once a year.

As I blog, I try to stay positive, but just so you don't think I just jump from mountaintop to mountaintop, and now that 2008 is over, I will now admit that 2008 really was a rough year. It was rough due to serious family illnesses, it was also rough financially, and it was rough in certain aspects of the ministry. It was rough in almost every area of life (except for my walk with the LORD, though always room for improvement). I gladly said GOOD BYE to 2008 (see Phil. 3:13,14)

As I look at 2009, all I can think about is get closer to Jesus and that 2009 will be NO walk in the park. I don't mean to sound like a prophet of doom, but I really expect 2009 to be quite a tumultuous year for America (and the World). I see many, many things getting worse in the natural; so I say, buckle up, it's going to be quite a ride in 2009.

Also, spiritually, I think we will see more and more persecution on Christians and violation of our rights. Americans will start (though not fully) understanding what a lot of Christians in other parts of the world already understand (i.e., there is a cost to being a follower of Christ).

Now on the positive side, I believe we as Christians can really grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ through it all (Psalm 23:4, Romans 8:28). I, for one, expect to grow closer to the Lord, but I also expect to put more time in prayer and reading/studying of the Word of God (BIBLE).

Also, on the positive side, as things get worse in the world, I believe it will be a great opportunity to point people to Jesus! "...This will be your opportunity to bear witness... Luke 21:13"

I expect this year to bring many changes in my life, and even some of the direction it will take me. I can't say more at this time, but as the Lord redirects me, you'll read of it in the blog.

I have a lot more to say but I am trying to not write long blogs, so let me close with this...

I asked myself the question if money wasn't a factor/issue (my lack of it), would I be doing things differently as far as ministry. And my answer was YES! If money wasn't a factor, I would travel a lot more, ministering in the USA, and ESPECIALLY abroad. I currently have invitations for 2009 to Africa, Pakistan, and India and I would love to make it to all of them in 2009. Also, I have invitations inside the US, too. I felt that I should not stop the yearning of my heart to travel for the LORD, and that money (or lack of it) shouldn't change my calling. I should pursue His call on me ANYWAY (and not let money or the lack of it dictate my calling)!
Much more could be said, like my burden for the youth, my ministry work in Kane, PA. etc., but that will have to wait for a future blog :-)

Join me in prayer and let us all be used of God mightily in 2009!

Watch this video: "Stay Focused on God"