Friday, February 04, 2011

Trusting in God's perfect timing"

Church hunt, job hunt, and ministry...

Church: We have been in a church hunt since the church we attended closed in September. It's been interesting. We actually have been considering one of two PCA Presbyterian churches for quite some time, but most recently we are considering a "House Church." No more fluff churches (itching ears), no more all over the place week to week. I want to be in a strong Bible and Christ exalting church (body of believers).

I am believing and ask you to believe with me for a full-time, decent-paying job here in Charlotte. I do not like job hunting. I honestly find it quite depressing. It is so competitive, so many looking for employment, and most applications processes are automated. I like the days when you dressed for success, showed up at a company, filled out a resume and in some cases interviewed then or scheduled an interview. Those days are long gone!!! For the most part, they don't even want to see you until the very end of the process...which often doesn't even happen. But just like all areas of life, I must believe that God is in Control. He's not worried about my job situation - lol!

As for me and ministry...
As many of you know, I had pastored for 4 years (2005-2009) a small church in PA. Now with being out of pastorate for 1-1/2 years, most of my ministry has been ministering to people wherever He opens opportunity, ranging from a evangelistic booth at a convention(s), to missions work in Africa, and a lot of blogging, teaching, and ministry by way of internet, emails, phone calls, and in person. I do enjoy discipling people and traveling ministry, of which I have been able to do some of both in the last 1-1/2 years.

So where is ministry taking me in the future? At this point, I'm not really sure, but I know my steps are ordered of Him. As stated in Psalm 37:23:The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. I absolutely believe in my heart that my calling is as real today as ever. I feel I am still a pastor/shepherd at heart. I love teaching God's Word, and I want to see the lost come to Christ. So ministry is alive and well, where it matters most- in my heart.

I also have three main blogs: (this one) and (devotional blog). And if you are interested in a Charismatic and Reformed perspective on things go to: :-)

I do a lot of ministry on Facebook (yes, it can be a positive tool).

I share a lot of spiritual helpful things on Twitter: or search Jim Mazzulla. I have 201 people following me there, and I have written 378 tweets :-)

Life is a journey with its highs and its lows, but I wouldn't trade my life in Christ for anything. I like to say it this way, "The worst day a Christian will ever have, is still better than the best day a lost sinner (non-christian) will ever have; or put another way, this (earth) is the closest to Hell the Christian will ever get (it only gets better, heaven), but for the lost sinner this is the closest to Heaven he'll ever get (it only gets worse, hell)".
That sure puts things in perspective.

I look forward to sharing more of my journey in Christ with you all.

God bless!!! (Eph. 1:3)

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