Saturday, April 07, 2012

My Journey - Spring is here!!!

This site is primarily for family, friends, 
and whoever cares to read about my journey in Christ.

Have A Jesus Blessed "Resurrection Day!"

As we "officially" celebrate Easter, I personally call it "Resurrection Day."  This day would prove whether Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or LORD!  His Resurrection showed He is indeed LORD!!!  

For more on this, see my devotion
"Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? at :

Now to what's been happening over the past 3 months...

Cycling continues.  I have only missed one week since starting to ride.  Not bad considering I thought the winter would be a problem, but it was such a mild winter, I was able to get out on my bike regularly (although it was cold a few times).

My longest ride is 19.65 miles (done on March 31) and my total miles in March is 185 miles (a record month). 


Weigh in:  I have lost a total of 30 lbs. and kept it off. I have changed most of my eating habits permanently. I am now working on exercise (cycling), and trying to eat more alkaline foods rather than acidic.

We are now involved with 2 (sometimes 3) house church groups (two in Charlotte, one in Mooresville, and occasionally one in Huntersville).

I am still working at a local vitamin/health store. It has had its challenges - Especially battling against my memory issues and brain fog (nothing new), but at times it can be very discouraging.  And to top it off the pay is low!  Please keep praying for that right job to come along in ministry or otherwise.

This has been a quiet time for ministry outside of House Church, and occasional opportunity at work.
So, I'm open to ministering as an interim pastor, missions, teacher, etc. I just want to serve Him in a meaningful way.  I recently went through Ecclesiastes, and really could relate to it.  Apart from Christ being in every aspect of your life, life really is meaningless.  Solomon had everything, but when He left the Lord out of the equation, his life (existence) was meaningless.

Christian Pool Players Association (CPPA) - I have been tempted to give up (pull the plug) on CPPA due to time required, lack of supporters, and needing a person to help take it to the next level. Plus in 2011, my playing went from fair to worse.  In the last month or so, I have been playing a little to see if it is even still in me. I haven't lost the joy for the game or the burden for the lost in the pool industry.  As with any outreach, you have to go where the people are. Contrary to popular opinion, people don't just come to church, and we have to go to where they are, and in my case that means pool rooms.  Please do pray for my game to improve enough to play a respectable game and to also (and most importantly) give me a platform to share Christ. If ANYONE has this same burden and would like to work with me, please email me or comment below.

Missions - I have also been asked by a ministry in India, who I know well, as I spent 3 weeks with them in India, to be the USA contact in helping organize groups to go on mission trips to India :-)

So, here we are at the the beginning of a wonderful warm Spring.  I am happy also for the longer days :-)
There is still some stress and breakdown with relationships with family members (not Joyce - She's the BEST).  Some do not understand some of the stands I take and feel I must take, but there again, I must live how I believe is right, and will be ultimately accountable to just one, that is God.

Please pray for me as I deal with these family issues and resulting emotional pain, and for me to be used of God in 2012.

Thanks all for taking an interest in my life :-)


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