Monday, January 02, 2012

My Journey ---> Nov - Dec 2011

This site is primarily for family, friends, and whoever cares to read about my journey in Christ.

I also have added a video blog right here for those who would rather see and hear me share about these last few months, see attached Video Blog:

Started cycling this month and reached up to 11 miles per ride, not fast, but still an accomplishment for me and my bike. I had set a personal goal of riding my bike approximately 15 miles (from house to end of trail and home again) by January 1st.  I also have been learning there is a lot to cycling, and different types of cycling and different types of bikes.  Today, the good bikes are lighter (20 lbs. or less), mine is a heavy 21-speed bike at 34 lbs, but it is fine.

Julia our cockatiel died.  It may not seem like a big deal, but it ended a chapter in our lives.

Weigh in: By the end of November I had lost almost 25 lbs. (over the past 3 months).

On Nov. 17th we celebrated Thanksgiving a week early with some of our family (and grandchildren).  It was nice to have them over for a visit. Thanksgiving day was therefore pretty much just another Thursday. Note: We did it a week early as Joyce had to work Thanksgiving day.

We are now involved with 3 (sometimes a fourth) house church groups (two in Charlotte, one in Mooresville, and occasionally one in Huntersville).

I started a new job at a local vitamin/health store. It has had its challenges - Especially battling against my memory issues and brain fog (nothing new). It sure makes relatively easy tasks harder :-(

It hasn't been good for my self-image as it is frustrating to forget and be in a fog.  But it's not supposed to be about self, so it's been quite a test to see myself in Christ and to also remember my life's ultimate purpose is to glorify God.

Christmas was a quiet chill day (just me and Joyce). We didn't do gift exchanges or anything.  Besides finances being tight, I feel it is not about gifts and getting into more debt.  We celebrated Christ, not a commerialized "Xmas", and we actually do that 365 days a year.


Joyce's Grandma passed away after a brief illness and mostly from old age at 98 years old.  At that age there was a mix of joy and sorrow - 98 years is a good long life, and she lived most of it on her own until the last 2-1/2 years. Thankfully, Joyce did get to see her in November and had a good visit with her.

My goal by the end of December was to make my first 15 mile bike ride, which I did on December 28. My other goal for December was to ride 100 miles.  On December 31st (BTW: I wasn't feeling good at all on 30th, so good recovery), I went on a short ride 4.75 miles to make my total for December of 102 miles :-)

My weigh in: By the end of December I had lost approximately 28 lbs.  I was pretty happy to have lost weight through this holiday season and to be at my lowest weight in years!  Only a few more pounds and I'll be done with weight loss :-)   Then, my main focus will continue to be healthy eating and exercise (primarily cycling).

That pretty much ended the year.  A lot of good came out of the year, but it has also been a very hard year with our finances and also with some family members (not with Joyce - our marriage is blessed).  All  do not understand some of the stands I take and feel I must take, but there again, I must live how I believe is right, and will be ultimately accountable to just one, that is God.

Please pray for me as I deal with family issues and resulting emotional pain, for my health to continue to get better, and for me to be used of God in 2012.

Thanks all for taking an interest in my life :-)


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